8 Wednesday, November 11, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Fit For Sisters Andrew Loscutoff Columnist Why absolutes don’t work for health and fitness There are many absolut- ists out there. This mental- ity strives for certainty. For the absolutist everything is black and white. If walking 10,000 steps a day is better than 5,000, it9s 10,000 or bust. If an apple has more fiber than a banana, then banana be damned. We can have a certain amount of admiration for the absolutist. They are decisive, strong willed, and optimal. They hold stead- fast in a belief system. But they may fear the unknown, and their hardy stance may falter when the next paper is written or they read a new book, or a guru offers new advice. Being literal is a fool9s errand when it comes to health and fitness. Nutrition, fitness, health, and wellness don9t exist in a vacuum. In fact, there is so much synergy that any advice needs to be taken with the pro- viso,