The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, November 04, 2020, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, November 4, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
• Large organic
produce selection
ARTS: Several Sisters
organizations received
vital support
• Huge organic &
natural selection
county to support the arts
from a fund the state set aside
from the federal CARES Act.
She told the arts organi-
zation representatives, <The
Deschutes Cultural Coalition
acts as citizen representation
for the trust. Out of the relief
package, $25 million of that
went to venues like theaters
and the High Desert Museum,
real brick and mortar venues.
The other $25 million was
allocated around the state by
county by a per capita for-
mula. It9s a highly competitive
process and it was a difficult
grant to write in a short period
of time. I tried to get the word
out to the cultural arts orga-
nizations in the Sisters com-
munity because I live here. I
wanted to make sure that we
took advantage of this oppor-
tunity and am so glad that you
qualified for this funding.=
Steven Remington, devel-
opment director for Sisters
Folk Festival (SFF), was at
the presentation in support of
the festival with Crista Munro,
SFF9s executive director.
Remington told The
Nugget, <It9s going to make
the difference of being sustain-
able in 2021 as the pandemic
plays out. There9s so much
that we just can9t plan on yet.
What9s really great is how the
state and the cultural organi-
zations all worked together to
make this happen. I think that
the big takeaway is not just
that we have the sustenance to
move forward, but the whole
state recognized our value.=
Munro added, <Sisters
Folk Festival9s 2020 opera-
tions were severely impacted
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Continued from page 1
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Representatives of Sisters Rodeo, Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show, Silent Echo
Theatre Company and Sisters Folk Festival met at Sisters Art Works last
week to be presented with funding from the Oregon Cultural Trust.
by the COVID-19 pandemic,
including the cancellation
of our summer and winter
concert series and the post-
ponement of the 24th Annual
Sisters Folk Festival. This
emergency funding is a much-
needed lifeline for SFF and
other cultural organizations
around the state. In our case,
the money has allowed us to
offer redesigned programming
in 2020 and into 2021, includ-
ing virtual classes and work-
shops; in-person, small cohort
clubs and classes; outdoor
summer creativity camps for
kids; physically distanced live
concerts at our new backyard
venue; and livestream con-
certs and events.=
Brian Witt, a board mem-
ber of the Sisters Rodeo
Association, said that the
funds the rodeo received
would be used for covering
expenses for 2020.
<We have a lot of fixed
expenses that we have to
cover like utilities and social
media, everything that we
had to pay for even without
a rodeo this year,= he said.
<It9s really helping us breach
through this tough time.=
Marla Manning, founder
of The Silent Echo Theater
Company (SETC), accepted
the check from O9Hagan.
Manning said, <Life has
been trying for all of us in
2020 and we could all use a
time and space where laugh-
ter and good entertainment is
on hand. The SETC plans to
expand our programs beyond
our usual schedule to aid
Sisters-area residents who
enjoy cultural events in a safe
environment. Our board of
directors is actively engaged
in finding new and innova-
tive ways to present live
theater, while following all
county guidelines, whether it9s
through appropriate social dis-
tancing in an indoor theater, or
using outdoor spaces like tents
or park settings, along with
clear-mask use allowing for
greater performer visibility.=
Dawn Boyd, executive
director for Sisters Outdoor
Quilt Show (SOQS), said that
the organization will use the
funds to help with operating
<That may not sound very
glamorous, but important to
maintain the sustainability of
SOQS while we plan ahead to
2021,= she said.
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