4 Wednesday, November 4, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Stars over Sisters By Zoey Lorusso and Lizzie McCrystal Columnists Astronomy is the branch of sci- ence that deals with celestial objects such as the sun, moon, stars, plan- ets 4 the entire physical universe beyond the earth. It9s a study that can hold great fascination for any- one who looks up into a dark sky and wonders what9s there, and it9s a study that can transform thinking. Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler are famous examples. Because the dark of night is avail- able to all, astronomy can be enjoyed on a multitude of levels, from inves- tigating its scientific aspects to sim- ply being awed by the beauty of a star-studded sky. Highlighted this month is another constellation of autumn: Aquarius the Water Carrier. This stellar group- ing can be difficult to spot, as it doesn9t have many bright stars. It is one of the constellations of the zodiac and is situated between Capricornus to the west and Pisces to the east. The zodiac is a strip of the celestial sphere centered on the ecliptic where the sun, moon, and planets are always found. To find the constellation, look to the southwest after nightfall. The constellation9s two bright- est stars, Sadalsuud and Sadalmelik, both shine at about third magnitude. They are 540 and 800 light-years away, respectively. Key to identi- fying the constellation is finding the four-star Y-shaped asterism that denotes Aquarius9 water jar. It is located about five degrees due east of Sadalmelik. In February 2017, NASA announced that dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 has seven Earth-like rocky planets. Of these, three are in the star9s habitable zone and scien- tists believe they may contain water. Many dazzling deep-sky objects are generously sprinkled through- out Aquarius, the three brightest of which are found in Messier9s cata- log. The most impressive of these is M2, an ancient and distant globular star cluster. This cluster contains about 150,000 stars and lies at the outer edge of the Milky Way galaxy, 55,000 light-years away. It is com- pact, significantly elliptical in shape, and is estimated to be approximately 13 billion years old. There are a variety of stories involving Aquarius in Greek mythol- ogy. One of them associates him with Ganymede, son of Trojan king Tros, who was taken to Mount Olympus by Zeus to act as cup-carrier to the gods. Illustrations sometimes depict him pouring water from an amphora. The Leonid meteor shower peaks between the evening of November 16 and the morning of November 17. While some of the greatest displays of meteors in history are associated with the Leonids, the rate this year is only expected to be around 15 mete- ors per hour. The meteors are caused by debris left behind from comet Temperatures are Dropping... It’s not too early to get your home winter-ready! FAMILY OWNED. SISTERS PROUD. LOCAL. RELIABLE. PROFESSIONAL. PHOTO COURTESY NASA/STSCL/WIKISKY M2, an ancient globular star cluster located at the outer edge of our Milky Way galaxy, resides in the constellation of Aquarius. Tempel-Tuttle that burn up upon entering the earth9s atmosphere. A penumbral lunar eclipse will take place on the early morning of November 30. Unlike an umbral eclipse, the moon will darken only slightly. Maximum eclipse will occur at 1:43 a.m. PST. All five of the visible planets can be seen this month. Jupiter and Saturn can still be seen low in the southwestern sky after sunset. By month9s end, both gas giants will set by 8 p.m. local time. But it9s Mars that dominates the evening sky. On October 6, the Red Planet approached to within 38.6 Quality Truck-mounted CARPET CLEANING Quality Cleaning 16 years i n Reasonable Prices Sisters! — Credit Cards Accepted — ENVIROTECH 541-771-5048 Licensed • Bonded • Insured • CCB#181062 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL million miles of the earth, giving amateur astronomers with telescopes great views of its surface features. Although the two planets are cur- rently receding from each other, Mars remains bright this month and good telescopic views are still pos- sible. As for Mercury and Venus, they are visible in the morning sky just before sunrise. Since the moon was full on Halloween, it will be on the wane during the first half of November. After new moon on November 15, it will wax until the full Beaver Moon arrives on the scene November 30. Don9t forget to keep looking up! 2008 MITSUBISHI M ITSUBISHI OUTLANDER OUTT L A N D E R XLS FWD, newer tires, only 121K miles Best Price! No Hassles! CARFAX Certifi ed! 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