The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, November 04, 2020, Page 18, Image 18

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Wednesday, November 4, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
KIOSK: A variety of
groups made project
come together
Continued from page 1
spring using the SketchUp
computer program. The pro-
posed design and placement
of the sign then had to be
approved by the U.S. Forest
Service (USFS).
Being a member of both
STA and SAW, Calvin
tapped eight of his fel-
low woodworkers to con-
struct the kiosk: Kerry Bott,
Dale Grinsman, Dennis
Mills, Rod Moorehead, Jim
Naibert, Craig Renkert,
Rick Retzman, and Mark
Thompson. Calvin milled
the 8-by-8-inch timbers for
the kiosk frame from hazard
pine trees he has been col-
lecting from Sisters Country
for 30 years, including
one that came from in
front of the Sisters Ranger
He created layout detail
sheets, with cuts and dimen-
sions, for each of the wood-
workers before they arrived
at his shop. After all of the
pieces were cut and finished
by the SAW members, the
kiosk was pre-assembled
like a jigsaw puzzle 4 all
in one day. It was then unas-
sembled to oil all the pieces
and reassembled before
The City of Sisters
Public Works Department
used their equipment to
drill the post holes and pro-
vided the oil for staining the
kiosk. SAW member Kerry
Bott used his Computer
Numerical Control (CNC)
machine to carve the letters
in the wood of the kiosk.
The kiosk project was a
community effort involv-
ing the USFS, the City
of Sisters, SAW and STA
volunteers, with grants of
$1,000 from the City and
$4,000 from the Deschutes
Trails Coalition.
<This is yet another
example of when everyone
works together towards a
common vision, we all end
up with a greater end product
than could be accomplished
alone,= said Sara Baughman,
Recreation Team Leader for
the Sisters Ranger District.
When the decision was
made to move the PRT
trailhead from its original
location in the Buck Run
neighborhood, to a half-
mile south, off of Elm Street
(Road 16), the STA entered
into an agreement with the
State Recreational Trails
Program (RTP) to provide
volunteer labor for the trail-
head and to construct the
kiosk at the trailhead.
The dream of the new
trailhead began seven
years ago when STA mem-
bers Gary Guttormsen and
Patrick Eckford gave a
presentation in Salem to
the RTP requesting a grant
to cover the expense of
creating a new trailhead.
STA provided the 20 per-
cent match required for the
RTP grant with the labor of
their volunteer members.
STA then coordinated with
the Sisters Ranger District
on the design, as the trail is
on Forest Service land. The
new portion of the PRT was
dedicated last spring.
Last Saturday morning,
the joint efforts of everyone
involved came to fruition as
the kiosk was lowered into
place and braced in prepa-
ration for concrete to be
poured in the holes holding
the timber posts. On Sunday,
the shingled roof was put on
the top and the center board
that has a large map of the
trail and related informa-
tion on it were added. Rick
Retzman, who created the
part of the kiosk that says
Peterson Ridge Trail said
the sign was based on the
Jellystone Park sign with the
zigzag ends seen in the Yogi
Bear cartoons.
With all of his plan-
ning, designing, organiz-
ing and milling complete,
when asked why the SAW
volunteers agreed to be
involved in the construction
of the kiosk, Calvin replied,
tongue-in-cheek, <We are
successfully fighting bore-
dom.= Another volunteer
chimed in with, <We9re
avoiding our 8honey-do9
The final sentiment was,
<We had a good crew.=
Body of missing climber
found in crevasse on Mt. Hood
4 The body of a 27-year-
old missing climber has
been found on Mount Hood,
authorities said.
Austin Mishler9s body
was found at about 2 p.m.
Thursday, October 29, in a
crevasse at about 9,400 feet
elevation on Mount Hood9s
north side, The Hood River
County Sheriff9s Office said
in a news release.
Because of weather con-
ditions, authorities plan to
retrieve his body on Friday.
The Bend resident,
described as an experienced
climber, had been camping on
the mountain Monday night,
October 26, and was sched-
uled to return home Tuesday.
He was reported missing
on Tuesday when he didn9t
return and hadn9t communi-
cated with friends and family.
On Wednesday, a search-
and-rescue aircraft found a
tent believed to belong to him.
Another team reached the tent
on foot Thursday but found
it empty. The search contin-
ued from the air and on the
ground Thursday afternoon.
Outlaws kick into gear...
The Outlaws are playing soccer with COVID-19 protections in
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