The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, November 04, 2020, Page 16, Image 16

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Wednesday, November 4, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Mentorship Sisters man has passion for
or land stewardship
hosts virtual
auction, gala
By Jim Cornelius
Editor in Chief
Big Brothers Big Sisters
of Central Oregon will host
a hilariously beneficial eve-
ning of comedy, auctions,
and awards on November 12.
The 23rd annual Comedy For
Kids’ Sake event will unfold in
local homes in a virtual gala.
The organization invites
folks in Sisters to set up a
party pod and bid on favorite
auction items, view the video
presentation, and contribute to
the cause.
The event will kick off on
November 5 as Big Brothers
Big Sisters of Central Oregon
opens their online bidding
platform to the public. The
comedy special will be avail-
able for viewing any time
after 4 p.m. on November 12.
A variety of party pod
options are available to sup-
port the night. Contact Jenni
for more details. Party Pod
supplies are limited.
BBBSCO is a mentorship
program under the J Bar J
umbrella. Children benefit
from a caring adult mentor
who can inspire their poten-
tial. The organization lost
its main fundraiser this year
due to COVID-19. The High
Desert Classic equestrian
event is not only a major fun-
draiser, it has become a signa-
ture Central Oregon event.
The auction and event will
provide funds to continue
operation of the program. For
more info visit www.bbbsco.
Vernon Stubbs has served
his country in combat as an
active-duty Marine and with
the Oregon National Guard.
But his greatest passion for
service involves stewardship
of the Sisters County land
he considers special — and
“I’ve been proud to serve,
but all along, since I was a
kid, my passion has been
stewarding the land,” he told
The Nugget.
He tackles that mission
through his business, Alpine
Land Management.
“My specialty is fuel
reduction,” he said.
His approach is to promote
biodiversity through thinning,
especially of juniper, con-
trolled “jackpot” burning of
concentrated fuels, reforest-
ing, transplanting of native
botanicals and grasses and
composting. He turns cut juni-
per into fence posts and fire-
wood lengths.
“On my own land, I’m
cutting some large junipers
encroaching on the pondero-
sas and cutting slabs and
making tables out of them,”
he said.
“This time of year is great
for transplanting native botan-
icals and overseeding native
bunchgrasses,” he noted.
Always an outdoorsman,
Stubbs grew up in Texas.
“When I was a kid, I was
like Tom Sawyer and Huck
Finn, out canoeing and bow-
fishing,” he said. “I love
God’s creation. You learn
something new every day out
in nature.”
Stubbs urges mindfulness
and care, and a light foot-
print on the land. He fervently
believes that with proper
attention, we can reverse the
mismanagement of the land
that has made it vulnerable to
catastrophic wildfire.
Stubbs recognizes that
Sisters Country has been “dis-
covered” and that growth will
have an impact. He urges all
who live here to recognize
how special the landscape
is and to be mindful of how
non Stubbs has a passion for land stewardship, which he b brings to
bear through Alpine Land Management.
much capacity it can absorb
and yet remain healthy.
“This area is a unique
place on earth,” he said. “It’s
a huge responsibility for us to
steward the land and be very
careful with it.”
For more information on
Alpine Land Management,
call 541-977-6711.
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This year let us join you in your home for our
safely distanced Comedy For Kids’ Sake:
A hilariously benefi cial evening of comedy by
our Littles, a huge online auction, and awards.
We will all be together in one community,
on one night, for one cause!
& Help provide COVID Relief for
Littles and their families.
BID, WATCH, and DONATE through our website:
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