The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, October 28, 2020, Page 22, Image 22

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
31 blue moon will be
visible to whole world
Continued from page 3
called Jack, who was in
close collaboration with the
devil and was denied entry
into Heaven. Jack was con-
demned to walk the earth for
eternity but asked the devil
for some light. He was given
a burning coal to place in a
turnip that he had hollowed
out. Some Irish believe that
hanging a lantern in their
front window would keep
Jack9s wandering soul away.
Halloween would not be
the same without a haunted
house. The idea behind
haunted houses is not new
4 people have entertained
themselves with spooky sto-
ries for centuries.
haunted houses in the
United States emerged dur-
ing the Great Depression as
American parents schemed
up ways to distract young
tricksters, whose holiday
pranks had escalated to prop-
erty damage, vandalism, and
harassment of strangers.
Those first haunted
houses were very simple.
Groups of families would
decorate their basements
and hold <house-to-house=
parties. Kids could spook
themselves by traveling from
basement to basement and
experiencing different scary
The haunted house
didn9t become a cultural
icon, though, until Walt
Disney decided to build
o one. Disneyland9s Haunted
Mansion opened in 1969.
Halloween could be a
n night for hooligans 4 with
of an emphasis on
trick than treat. By the
1950s, town leaders had
successfully limited van-
dalism and Halloween
had evolved into a holi-
day directed mainly at the
young. The baby boom of
the 1950s also made the holi-
d day more family oriented,
and Halloween parties began
to move to school classrooms
a and homes. Trick-or-treating
was also revived around this
time and has been steadily
practiced since.
There is so much to love
October9s first full moon,
also known as the harvest
moon, appeared on the first
day of the month.
The 2020 Halloween full
moon will be visible to the
entire world, rather than just
parts of it, for the first time
since World War II.
Although Halloween will
look a little different this year
because of the pandemic,
the spooky decorations and
delicious fall treats will still
make an appearance.
Halloween is a time e for
trick-or-treating, scary cos-
tumes, jack-o9-lanterns s and
haunted houses. But how did
it become this way?
Much of Halloween9s
most influential tradi-
tions are deeply rooted
in history, dating back to
ancient Ireland. Although
our Halloween is less about
dead spirits and more about
g up,
having fun and dressing
there are some traditional
aspects of an Irish Halloween
that we have kept going.
The Celts were pagans,
people who worship
A traditional Irish turnip jack-o’-
many gods or who wor- lantern from the early 20th century.
ship nature and the Earth.
Celts lived in what is now
Ireland, and they celebrated
the new year on November 1.
Their festival, Samhain (pro-
nounced <sow-in=), marked
the end of fall9s harvest right
before winter, a season that
signified death and darkness
for the Celts.
They believed that on
the night before the shift,
October 31 4 which came
to be called All Hallows9
Eve 4 the worlds of the liv-
ing and the dead intersected.
The ghosts roaming Earth
were thought to help predict
the future, so the Celts wel-
comed them with sacrificial
bonfires and by dressing in
costumes of animal heads
and skins.
In the mid-19th century
Ireland9s devastating potato
famine caused mass immi-
gration 4 more than 1.5
million Irish people fled to
America during that time.
With them, they brought
their long-held Halloween
traditions, and the soon-to-be
holiday caught on quickly,
Suzanne Carvlin , Broker & Realtor
spreading nationwide.
Licensed in the State of Oregon
The Irish Celts were
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the ones who invented the
19040 Dusty Loop | Bend, OR
There are two schools of
thought on why the Irish car-
ried jack-o9-lanterns. One is
that the tradition is an ancient
Celtic tradition. In order to
carry home an ember from
the communal bonfire, the
people would hollow out a
9.96 acres in Tumalo. 360-degree views, adjacent to thousands
turnip so they could walk
of acres of public lands. Build your custom home at the end of a
home with the fire still
private road, bordered on two sides by public land. Sloped and
varied topography with old-growth juniper. Homesite is staked,
The other version is a bit
excavated and cleared, driveway cleared, and private well drilled.
spookier. The story goes that
jack-o9-lanterns are named
Each off ice is independently owned and operated.
after an Irish blacksmith,
Some local residents went all-out on the spooky for Halloween.
about Halloween: pumpkin
carving fun with the fam-
ily; telling scary ghost sto-
ries; baking Halloween cup-
cakes; and the list goes on.
But one traditional thing to
do as October 31 draws near
is to watch a few of the best
scary Halloween movies.
This year, more than ever,
you might be tempted to stay
home and curl up with some
creepy flicks, under a blue
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Fall is the perfect backdrop to
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