Wednesday, October 21, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon firearms, ammunition, and hunting-related accoutre- ment has contributed more than $14 billion since 1937. Outside of user fees it9s estimated that hunters and sportsmen in the United States contribute $400 mil- lion to wildlife conservation funds through their mem- bership dues and donations. And why wouldn9t they? Funding conservation keeps wildlife populations within the balance that allows for regular seasonal hunting. Besides wildlife con- servation, the hunters and I share another thing: our rage at those who circumvent the law to satisfy their bloodlust. We9re talking poaching here, people. And Central Oregon is rife with it. A study some years back discovered that 20 percent of Central Oregon9s mule deer popula- tion deaths were the result of poaching. Oftentimes, poaching is a crime of opportunity. Someone sees an animal and acts impul- sively. Other times poaching is the direct result of lacking wildlife education. Poaching can be either intentional or unintentional. The former can be addressed with dili- gent hunters willing to call into the ODFW hotline when they see suspicious or illegal activity taking place. The latter can only be quelled by good education. I9ve known many a young person who, now bored with playing out their gunslinging fantasies on tin cans at the SCOUTING the Northwest By Scout Arnone The responsibility of hunters Even as a die-hard veg- etarian I can see the inherent value in hunting. Whether hunters realize it or not they willfully or unwittingly fund the thing which is near- est and dearest to my heart: conservation. I readily decline all invi- tations to sample jerky and elk burgers and I hate to see a duck go down, but I can respect the folks in camou- flage who pay up, hunker down, shoot and consume their kill. Through the Duck Stamp Act, hunters fund protec- tions for the habitat of migratory waterfowl. Since 1934, six million acres of habitat has been conserved for migratory waterfowl as a direct result of funds from the Duck Stamp Act. Through the Pittman- Robertson Act, taxes on cinder quarry, find it irresist- ible to shoot a quail or a rab- bit. It9s just one. They didn9t see it die because it ran off and died of its injuries in the sagebrush. This is not hunting. Any animal killed without a per- mit to do so is poaching, and the seeds of this crime were sown at home. With more than 500 bird species calling Oregon home, it can be hard to determine which ones are protected under the Migratory Bird Act and which ones you9re going to allow your child to shoot at with a BB gun. Spoiler alert: it9s never cool to allow your kids to maim animals and it can come with a very hefty fine. A family with a proud hunting tradition encourages their kids to be sharp-eyed and responsible with their firearm: never point it at anyone, keep the safety on till you9re ready to shoot. But the lesson often neglected is in animal identi- fication and in this one small detail parents fail their chil- dren and neighbors fail each other completely. An 8-year-old proudly shows off the European star- ling he killed not realizing it was actually a Brewer9s blackbird (a federally pro- tected bird). Someone posts pictures of their Eurasian collared dove, now a bloody pile of feathers, not aware that it9s actually a mourn- ing dove. Further, and more alarming, there is a trend of 19 PHOTO PROVIDED Isabel Rickert’s hunting contributes to wildlife conservation in Oregon. hunters shooting animals illegally and then claiming mistaken identity because law enforcement often gives them a slap on the wrist and sends them on their way. That9s how almost four per- cent of Oregon9s wolf popu- lation was poached in 2017. Any person who intends to engage with animals, either in their preservation or pursuit, has the responsi- bility to know exactly what they are interacting with. The results can be cata- strophic. It9s the responsi- bility of anyone who pre- serves or pursues animals to alert their neighbor of their error and seek to educate them. Only through gentle education can the hunters and anti-hunters find the common ground that gener- ates more sport on a crisp autumn morning and more birds at backyard feeders. It9s your Oregon and so it9s your responsibility to know her. What’s Cooking? NEW FALL MENU Try our Chicken Marsala and Salmon Dine-In, Outdoor Seating Tues.-Fri., 3 to 8 p.m., Sat., Noon to 8 p.m. 391 W W. 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