The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, October 21, 2020, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, October 21, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
HABITAT: Volunteers
have shown great
BURNING: Projects
enhance forest health,
wildfire safety
Continued from page 3
Continued from page 1
to reconcile the organiza-
tion9s checking accounts
each month.
A friend introduced
Mike Anglea to Habitat for
Humanity while living in
Texas. In 2005, after moving
to Sisters, he began work-
ing with Sisters Habitat9s
construction crew. He is a
team lead and an essential
part of operations. He loves
to teach the college students
who come to help build
houses during the Spring
Collegiate Challenge each
year. Because of Anglea, the
young people leave Sisters
with solid construction skills
that will serve them well
throughout their lifetimes.
Steve Madsen began
volunteering with Sisters
Habitat in 2006 special-
izing in building cabinets.
He credits his brother, Ron,
with teaching him this valu-
able skill. During Sisters
Habitat9s Women9s Build
each year, Steve is the tool
training instructor, introduc-
ing each person to the safe
use of the tools they will
be using to build the house.
His volunteerism extends to
continue through the fall.
<Timing of ignitions and
exact dates will depend on
weather and site-specific fuel
moisture conditions. Burning
will be conducted under
prescribed conditions that
allow for safe operations,
appropriate levels of burn
intensity, and very careful
smoke management,= said
Sisters Ranger District Fuels
Specialist Andrew Myhra.
Prescribed burning opera-
tions have critical safety
components in place and are
designed to occur within a
combination of natural and
constructed control lines. All
burns are done under care-
fully planned prescriptions
and protocols to limit the risk
of an escaped fire and smoke
exposure to communities.
Fire management offi-
cials work with Oregon
Department of Forestry
smoke specialists to ana-
lyze weather conditions
and anticipated smoke dis-
persion to determine burn
dates. People with respira-
tory conditions can request
to be placed on an advanced
contact list by calling the
Mike Anglea and Nora Ellison earned Lifetime Achievement Awards from
Sisters Habitat for Humanity, donating over 4,000 hours of service. Steve
Madsen also earned Lifetime Achievement recognition but was unable to
attend an awards ceremony.
Sisters Elementary School9s
<SMART Readers= program,
helping the young students
with reading difficulties keep
up with the rest of the class.
Sisters Habitat for
Humanity also recognized
five people who volunteered
between 500 and 1,000 hours
this year. Twenty-one people
volunteered between 250 and
499 hours. Sixty-five people
volunteered between 100 and
249 hours.
Sisters Habitat9s volun-
teers are a critical part of
providing homeownership
opportunities to qualified
families. In the past year,
over 200 people served
22,562 hours building
homes, working in the stores
and serving on various
Sisters Habitat for
Humanity is dedicated to
eliminating substandard
housing locally and world-
wide through constructing,
rehabilitating and preserving
homes; by advocating for
fair and just housing poli-
cies; providing training and
access to resources to help
families improve their shel-
ter conditions. Those inter-
ested in homeownership,
home repair, or volunteer-
ing with Sisters Habitat can
or call the Habitat office at
Sisters Ranger District office
at 541-549-7700.
Prescribed fire opera-
tions in the Metolius Basin
may require temporary trail
closures on portions of the
Metolius-Windigo Trail #99.
No road closures are antici-
pated with any of the burns,
although drivers may expe-
rience precautionary traffic
control on Highway 20 dur-
ing operations in the Indian
Ford area. Drivers may also
experience some smoke
and reduced visibility along
Indian Ford Road (Forest
Service Road 1102).
When smoke is pres-
ent, motorists should reduce
speed and turn on headlights.
According to the Forest
Service, all efforts will be
made to limit smoke impacts
to area neighborhoods and
communities. The possibil-
ity exists for smoke to settle
in low-lying areas due to
cool nighttime temperatures.
Residents in areas near burn
operations are encouraged
to close windows at night
to avoid possible smoke
For current wildfire and
prescribed fire informa-
tion follow on Twitter @
CentralORFire or visit
Confirmed prescribed fire
dates and locations will be
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Ray Young, Jerry Baldock and Dana Hampton were inducted on October 6 into the 1,000 Hour Club. Not pictured,
but also achieving 1,000 hour status are Nancy Anderson, Colleen Fenn, and Rosalie Van Ness-Hanford.
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