8 Wednesday, October 14, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Cobb wants to ‘walk her talk’ By Sue Stafford Correspondent Susan Cobb decided to run for Sisters City Council when she realized that, instead of encouraging oth- ers to run, she would walk her talk. She indicated that even if she doesn9t garner a Council seat, she will find other ways to be involved. If she is elected, Cobb has identified a number of issues she would like to address including working with the Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce to amplify the businesses already in Sisters and what new ones could be brought in to sus- tain and grow the business community. With Zoom meetings the norm for now, Cobb would like to see a brief pre-meet- ing overview of topics to be discussed to help those phon- ing in to understand the pro- ceedings. She believes ongo- ing open communication from City Hall is important. Cobb thinks creation of additional safe bike and pedestrian lanes out to Adams and Hood avenues, while maintaining a lush, treed environment, would benefit residents and visitors. Fire mitigation and edu- cation for all citizens is high on her list of priorities. While she served for three years as the president of the Timber Creek Homeowners Association, Cobb actively supported fire prepared- ness education with mailers to homeowners. She would like to see public fire mitiga- tion meetings at Sisters Fire Hall to explain topics such as fire preparedness, emer- gency evacuation routes, and the use of fire-wise building materials to raise everyone9s awareness. To assure all residents have the opportunity to thrive, she sees a need for more local low-income hous- ing that is built with as much care as market-rate housing. To help those in the com- munity who are unhoused, she pointed to programs in other cities where they are provided with tiny homes, so they have a roof over their heads. Cobb thinks it is incumbent on society to care for the people who have the least. She summed up her phi- losophy this way: