The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, October 14, 2020, Page 17, Image 17

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    Wednesday, October 14, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Continued from page 2
Sisters Folk Festival has dedicated its Sisters Art Works entry gallery to
philanthropists Cindy and Duncan Campbell.
ART GALLERY: Dedication
and celebration set for
Friday, October 23
Continued from page 3
seeking growth opportuni-
ties like those in the [SFF]
Americana Project who want
to pursue music and the arts,=
they said. <Our gift was a
very easy decision to make.=
In honor of the Campbells9
generosity, SFF is dedicat-
ing their new visual arts gal-
lery in the Sisters Artworks
Building to the couple.
The celebration will
include gallery tours; an
artist meet and greet with
Sheila Dunn, whose work is
currently on exhibit; music
from Sisters-area students
in the Sisters Jazz Combo
and a brief outdoor dedi-
cation at 5:30 p.m. Sisters
Folk Festival staff will be
on hand to welcome guests
and to ensure that COVID-
19 safety protocols are being
followed, including limiting
the number of people in the
indoor space, requiring face
coverings to be worn inside
the gallery at all times, and
reminding attendees to main-
tain a safe physical distance
CIRCUS: Wonders
and marvels will
thrill live audiences
Continued from page 7
aerialist hanging by her hair
20 feet above the ground, a
modern-day Charlie Chaplin,
a man who walks on the edge
of a sword, a strong woman
who bends steel bars with her
bare hands, a man who does
a one-handed handstand atop
more than a dozen perilous
chairs, and a million more
wonders and marvels from
around the world.
Venardos noted, <We9re
Halloween-ifying our live-
show format just for the week
in Redmond by adding a little
harvest and haunted flair, fun
music, and some costume
updates. It9s still the Venardos
Circus, with our musical pro-
duction numbers and world-
class acts that will knock your
socks off.=
For tickets visit www.
from those not in their fam-
ily/social group.
In conjunction with the
official gallery opening,
SFF is seeking visual artists
who would like to display
their art in the gallery for
a four-to-six-week period
over the next 12 months.
Exhibiting artists will have
an opportunity to partici-
pate in a monthly Sisters
Arts Association 4th Friday
Art Stroll once they resume.
Interested artists should send
information to dave@sisters; collabora-
tive exhibits are welcome.
The Cindy and Duncan
Campbell Gallery is located
inside the Sisters Art Works
Building at 204 W. Adams
Ave. in downtown Sisters.
with most of the builders here, who mainly
follow the rules and are usually quiet before 7
a.m. and after 7 p.m. But, as they say, <not so
much= with our light industrial neighbors to
the south, who continually violate Sisters City
noise codes (and lighting, but that9s another
story). We9ve called and sent complaints to the
city multiple times, to no avail. Several of us
here have talked (or tried to talk) to the offend-
ing businesses, but all complaints thus far have
been ignored 4 met with indifference at best,
and responded to with rudeness at worst.
I know that this might seem rather petty,
but it isn9t: sleep is vital to good health, stress
relief, job performance and quality of life.
So what should our next step be? File <offi-
cial= City of Sisters noise violation complaint
forms? Work to rezone the area and move the
businesses out? Elect a city council that listens
to, and acts upon, the concerns of residents
rather than pandering to business interests?
The City of Sisters must effectively enforce
current noise, lighting, tree removal, traffic,
etc. ordinances and codes. Going forward,
Sisters must plan, zone, and build areas to
maintain livability and reduce as much as pos-
sible incompatible uses and conflicts. Such
situations will only get worse as more inappro-
priate development is approved, and stressors
on the residential population will only increase
due to inappropriate and non-compliant users
and uses. Make effective laws and enact
appropriate rules 4 and enforce them please!
Scott R. Bowler
commanders who protect our national secu-
rity have firsthand knowledge of the gravest
threats facing our nation. So it9s particularly
striking that, according to reporting by major
international news outlet Reuters, nearly 130
former Republican defense and national secu-
rity officials have publicly opposed Donald
Trump9s re-election bid and endorsed Joe
Biden for president. Seven of those officials
served under Trump.
The group, titled Former Republican
National Security Officials for Biden, includes
highly respected military leaders and govern-
ment officials who collectively commanded
U.S. troops in Afghanistan and held high
positions in the FBI and CIA and at National
These esteemed statesmen cast Trump as
being unfit to serve as president, say he failed
America by his irresponsible response to the
coronavirus pandemic, protest his alienation
of U.S. allies and decry his response to pro-
tests across the U.S. over racial injustice and
police brutality against Black Americans.
Elizabeth Neumann, who served as assis-
tant secretary for threat prevention in the
Department of Homeland Security under
Trump, minced no words, denouncing the
president as <extremely dangerous.=
But Trump wouldn9t be so dangerous
if it weren9t for the thousands of servile
Republican officials who support him despite
the threat he poses to our republic.
If you care about the security of our coun-
try and your loved ones, you must vote out
Donald Trump and his party-over-country
Republican enablers in Congress and Oregon9s
legislature. It9s not hyperbole to say the future
of our country depends on it.
Michael Cooper
To the Editor:
Homeland Security officials and military
Stop by and visit with Tiana Van Landuyt & Shelley Marsh.
220 S. Pine St., Ste. 102 | 541-548-9180
See LETTERS on page 19
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