18 Wednesday, October 7, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon FIRE SAFETY: Kitchen is source of many house fires Continued from page 3 residential structure fires over the past five years, caus- ing an average of 19 percent of Oregon9s total residential structure fires and six deaths. Cooking fire safety tips include: " Keep an eye on what you9re cooking; don9t leave cooking unattended. " Keep your cooking areas clean and clear of combus- tibles (potholders, food pack- aging, towels, etc.), and wipe up surface spills. " Create three-foot kid- and-pet-free zone around stove. " Older children should only cook with permission and under the supervision of an adult. " Have a lid or cookie sheet within reach while cooking (to smother flames) in case of a fire. If a cooking fire does start: " Put a lid on it! Slide a lid over the pan (from the side) and then turn off the burner. " Don9t move the pan until the fire is completely extin- guished and cooled, and don9t try to transfer the pan to the sink. If you cannot quickly extinguish the fire: " Get yourself and your family safely out of the house. " If you can, close doors as you are escaping, to help con- tain the fire. " Call 911 from a safe place (outside).