The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, September 30, 2020, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, September 30, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Continued from page 4
their agenda and gain more power. This has led to
needless killings of both white and Black police and
others. The push to defund police will leave Black
communities, where Black-on-Black crime is ram-
pant, unprotected from criminals. The rioting has
destroyed many Black-owned businesses. Do these
Black lives and livelihoods matter?
Do you know that Planned Parenthood places
abortion clinics in Black neighborhoods to reduce
the Black population, killing about 40 percent of
Black babies by abortion? Do their lives matter?
Statistically, more whites than Blacks are killed
by police, but nearly all are due to resisting arrest
during criminal activity! Why? Blacks who become
successful through our system are called <Uncle
Toms= by other Blacks! Why?
It would further the mission of our peaceful pro-
testers if they would edit their signs to say all Black
lives matter (and even whitish ones).
Lorene Richardson
To the Editor:
Our heartfelt thanks and condolences to Deb
Kollodge9s family.
Deb, who passed away July 25, was a wonder-
ful asset to the community of Sisters. She served on
the city council and volunteered for almost every
organization in Sisters at some point during her time
She went out of her way to recruit members
of the Sisters community to join her in volunteer
efforts. She was gentle, graceful, and kind. I loved
seeing her and Jerry often as they rode their bikes
around town. She had Gary Frazee on speed dial,
and I am sure he would get calls daily to fix some-
thing she saw needed attention on her daily rides.
I loved Deb dearly and she was a good friend to
me. I enjoyed working with her on the Community
Action Team and the city council. She is loved and
will be remembered fondly as a wonderful and
valued member of the Sisters community.
Thank you, Kris and Phil, for sharing Deb with
our town!
Judy Trego
Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce
Sisters Community Action Team
To the Editor:
I remember a time when you could enjoy a good
political discussion. It was interesting and enlight-
ening to hear others9 opinions, enjoy a congenial
banter, agree to disagree and walk away friends.
No rocks were thrown, no buildings burned, no one
was killed. But today, we live in a country torn apart
by divisiveness. The United States of America has
become The Divided States of America. Our <lead-
ers= draw lines, take sides, point fingers, toss insults
4 and like lemmings, we the people follow.
Do you, like me, sometimes scratch your head in
wonder? How did our country become so intolerant
of differing views? Why did we become so deeply
divided, so angry, so accusatory? When did politi-
cal divisiveness turn pandemic? Call me naïve, but
I attribute much of our division to this millennium9s
age of <instant information= and the popularity of
social media. The latest <news= (whether fact or fic-
tion) is right at our fingertips. Click and read4then
shake your fist. Or spout off even more steam by
<sharing= these juicy tidbits on your favorite social
media platform.
It9s no secret that we9re attracted to opinions
that align and support our own beliefs and views.
Liberals tend to listen to liberal news sources.
Conservatives gravitate to conservative ones. And
thanks to technology we have plenty of resources
to choose from. On both sides of the ever-growing
spectrum. But have you noticed, there aren9t many
resources in the middle? It9s hard to find an honest,
neutral and reliable news source these days. Well,
besides The Nugget 4 for which I9m grateful.
But take a moment to ask yourself 4 who do
you listen to? Is it only one side? Do you sur-
round yourself with the voices that echo your own
opinions? Or do you take time to listen to opposi-
tion? Even if we don9t like the words or tone they
use, are we willing to bend our ears their way in
order to get a better understanding ... to see a larger
picture ... perhaps even engage in a friendly banter
that doesn9t turn angry or ugly? I don9t want to live
in The Divided States of America. But unity, like
charity, begins at home. I pray we all do our part
to mend, restore, and heal our country. United we
stand, divided we fall.
Melody Carlson
To the Editor:
I want to take a moment to say thanks for the
time and effort you all put into printing the weekly
It is nice to hear of the many activities that occur
in the Sisters area.
I especially have been enjoying the <Scottie
Wisdom and Faith.= Jean Russell Nave has a nice
way of using real life situations to better understand
The paper does a nice job of presenting different
viewpoints, either through <Letters to the Editor= or
your columnist articles.
I look forward to reading the variety chosen for
print each week.
Jane Chugg
To the Editor:
I had to respond to the article on September 16,
<Felling the wrong tree can be costly= (The Nugget,
page 1). The 100-foot ponderosa pine on City prop-
erty was present before the City of Sisters was set-
tled. The homeowner asked permission to remove
it and the city denied this request. The homeowner
brazenly and unlawfully removed it anyway. They
used Cascade Tree Works that didn9t have a license
to operate in Sisters.
There are city ordinances and state law to
See LETTERS on page 12
h i g h - i m pac t A dv e r t i s i n g
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2-week special section in The Nugget
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