2 Wednesday, September 30, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon O P I N I O N Anonymity and accountability By Jim Cornelius Editor in Chief We live in a world awash in information 4 and every day it gets harder to separate the wheat from the chaff. It9s increasingly challenging for people working in good faith to sort out fact from fiction, truth from misinformation, disinformation and outright lies. During Oregon9s recent spate of catastrophic wild- fires, rumors spread as viru- lently as the wind-driven flames. Law enforcement agencies from the FBI to the Douglas and Jackson County sheriff9s offices found it nec- essary to address persistent rumors 4 presented as estab- lished fact 4 that extrem- ists were starting fires. They published statements that the rumors were not only unfounded but categorically false. While arsonists were found to have started some of the fires 4 and arrests were made 4 law enforce- ment investigated claims that extremists were engaged in a concerted campaign of terror- istic arson and found them to be untrue. Which didn9t stop the rumors from spreading. While it9s not in the same category as wild rumor, the over-reliance on anony- mous sources in national media also feeds a climate where information cannot be trusted. A recent article in The Atlantic by editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg cited multiple unnamed sources who claimed that President Donald Trump disparaged American service members as