12 Wednesday, September 30, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon LETTERS Continued from page 8 address this issue, specifically to provide a deter- rent. The estimated value of the tree was $26,845. ORS 108.810 lawfully allows the city to demand three times the estimated value of the tree, legal fees, and reforestation costs. What did the city manager do? He had a 50 percent-off sale on an irreplaceable heritage tree. This is a slap on the wrist for a citizen and a tree company that ignored the law and the city denial to remove. This sets a dangerous precedent just as Sisters is about to have a 250-home development built on the west end of town. I know some City Council mem- bers expressed frustration on how this was handled and plan to tighten up the city regulations. The laws needed to create a strong deterrent are already in place! They were not enforced in any meaningful way. Fifty percent of the value of an irreplaceable tree is hardly a deterrent. Tragically, Oregonians have lost thousands of trees to recent fire including in the Opal Creek old growth forest. I strongly recommend that every- one read the Pulitzer Prize winning book