Wednesday, September 23, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 9 Commentary... Every person in our family is worth saving By Katy Yoder Columnist after they realized who he was and what he was saying on podcasts to his followers. Eventually, he transformed himself, by opening his mind and heart to the fact that white supremacy was illogical and immoral. In his youth, Black used his intellect to expand the infiltration of white suprem- acy into mainstream poli- tics. After his epiphany, he felt a moral obligation to undo the damage he9d done. I respect him for his cour- age and resolve to admit his mistakes and recognize his family9s role in indoctrinat- ing him into a philosophy that is heartless and just plain ridiculous. The philosophy he was taught and then followed is why people are protest- ing. It9s why some people are rioting. When people reach their breaking point, it9s not pretty, it9s not com- fortable and it9s not easy to watch. What we see on the news, and many biased social media outlets, is often simplistic and one-sided. An image of BLM protest- ers standing by broken win- dows seemed to tell a story. But later, footage showed white supremacists walk- ing down that street before the BLM folks arrived and smashing windows to make it look like BLM protesters were at fault. During trying times, the truth is complicated and the receiving end of ongo- ing injustices, it9s a matter of life or death. I love my country. But I don9t love some of its past and present policies that protect unjust behavior. It9s time we began embodying the words of visionary Frederick Douglass who said,