The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, September 23, 2020, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Fit For
Andrew Loscutoff
Where to find
stability and
The body is a very inte-
grated machine, down to the
framework of the muscles,
tendons, ligaments, and
bones. When all of these are
in harmonious alignment,
they provide the body with
stability, strength, injury
resilience and balance.
This system is worth
understanding better. It
is fundamental to day-to-
day mobility, and athletic
prowess. If balance and
stability or injury preven-
tion is a concern, look
at how the biomechanic
machine is aligned or mis-
aligned to gain insight on
The body is a compen-
satory phenomenon. If
you have a sore knee, the
muscles up and down the
chain stiffen up to provide
a sort of splinting around
the injury. A person can live
on the brink of catastrophic
injury with these compen-
sations for a long time. A
muscle held in a long or
shortened position will
become adapted to it, and
the reciprocal muscles will
lose tone to adapt to this
new alignment.
A forward lean creates
tight back muscles, short
hip flexors, and rounded
shoulders. Balance is com-
promised and the core mus-
cles can9t hold the midsec-
tion tight. When the body is
held in a sitting position the
diaphragm is squished and
breathing is suboptimal.
A weak foot leads to col-
lapsing knee stability, pain-
ful squats, weak hips, and
eventually back pain will
This is where a nuanced
look at your posture, mus-
cular tensions, and strength
can be helpful. Tight mus-
cles are often tight because
of a weakness in other
areas. Is the neck tight
because of weakness in a
shoulder range of motion?
Will the core hold up to a
step twist and catch of the
bodyweight? Make these
considerations and criti-
cally think about the system
as a whole.
Once mobility, core
function, and the system
are better aligned, you will
find the balance and sta-
bility you feel like you9ve
been lacking. Think head
over shoulders; chest open
and shoulders rolled back;
ribcage upright; flat lum-
bar spine with hips under
your center; knees pointed
forward; active foot with
arches supporting.
This will be a starting
point for all movements.
Practice. If you need more
help, coaches are a great
asset. There are plenty of
physical therapists, exer-
cise specialists, chiroprac-
tors, and massage thera-
pists around who know
their stuff. Above all, think
more about how your body
is moving and what small
changes can add up to a
much better being.
Tight muscles are often tight because of a weakness
in other areas. Is the neck tight because of
weakness in a shoulder range of motion?
is used for study,
Continued from page 1
rapid growth in Sisters have
prompted school personnel
to step up efforts to educate
residents about the need to
protect the area.
Last week, a driver
accessed the TCCA via
Highway 242 and traveled
all the way across the prop-
erty before becoming stuck
and temporarily abandoning
the car. Motorcyclists have
been sighted in the area off
and on all summer, and large
and unleashed dogs have
been reported chasing deer
and their fawns.
The new Hayden Homes
We simply want
people to be aware it is
a conservation area and
treat it accordingly.
— Superintendent
Curt Scholl
development directly east
of the property has added
dozens of residences within
easy walking distance to the
TCCA, which has resulted
in more human activity in
the area. A packed gravel
path built by Sisters Trail
Alliance, which connects
Tollgate to the schools, runs
along the entire east side of
the TCCA and is well used.
Additionally, the popular
disc golf course west of the
high school skirts the edge of
the TCCA.
Superintendent Curt
Scholl and facilities man-
ager Ryan Stock, along with
Givot, all recognize the need
to educate area residents
and to take further action to
protect the area. Plans are
in the works to add signage
at different access points to
the property and to block
Sisters High School students conduct fieldwork in the Trout Creek
Conservation Area — the school’s outdoor laboratory.
off places where vehicles
have been entering the prop-
erty, which is mostly on the
southwest side near the irri-
gation pond.
<We simply want people
to be aware it is a conserva-
tion area and treat it accord-
ingly, said Scholl.
Givot said, <This unique
forest has become a long-
term ecological research
study area for our students,
who have been visiting this
area to learn about our local
ecosystem. Students learn
to identify native plants and
animals, conduct scientific
field studies, and develop a
sense of stewardship in the
Givot9s biology classes
have been collecting data in
the conservation area since
2006 which includes plant
and animal counts. In 2006
thinning operations helped
reduce the threat of wildfires,
which was very important
for the residents of Tollgate,
and enhanced the health of
remaining trees and plants,
according to Givot.
The TCCA is home to two
<sensitive species= includ-
ing Peck9s penstemon and
the white-headed wood-
pecker, as well as a corridor
for deer, coyotes, and other
Some reminders for those
entering the TCCA include:
" Stay on established
" Leash dogs.
" Report any signs of
motorized vehicle use.
" No horses are allowed
in the area.
" Any activities that
include soil disruption are
strongly discouraged, includ-
ing biking off-trail.
" Obviously, smoking is
highly discouraged in the
area due to the threat of
Hope for a child. Change for a nation.
Extended lockdowns have created extreme
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depend on their daily wages to eat.
Hope Africa International has been able
to meet these desperate physical and
emotional needs by providing food and
through outdoor, small group education.
Janith is 10 years old and has been
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Your monthly gift of $39 will provide Janith with
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Your sponsorship pledge makes an impact on your child’s
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Learn more about Sisters-based Hope Africa International at
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