2 Wednesday, September 23, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon O P I N I O N A stitch at a time By Jim Cornelius Editor in Chief Letters to the Editor… The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer9s name, address and phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is 10 a.m. Monday. To the Editor: I started my career as a licensed helicopter mechanic in the early 1970s. I worked heavy- lift helicopter for the good part of 46 years. We pioneered a real environmental-friendly way to yard timber-helicopter logging. All through the seventies and most of the eighties we were able to log year round with no issues. Then the Forest Service adopted a new policy, save the top-soil scheme. So all the years we logged the units and then YUM (yard unmer- chantable timber) we left the timber sale look- ing better than we found it. Under the new pol- icy logs were left to rot to enhance the topsoil. In the new era of