The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, September 23, 2020, Page 17, Image 17

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    Wednesday, September 23, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
is a delicious time
of year in Sisters
Continued from page 3
also contain an antioxidant
called quercetin, which can
improve oxygen flow to
your lungs and boost your
immune system. And finally,
apples contain almost zero
fat, only natural sugars, and
are high in vitamin C, vita-
min A, calcium, iron, sodium
and potassium.
Cranberries, another
autumn harvest, have vita-
min C and fiber and are
only 45 calories per cup.
In disease-fighting antioxi-
dants, cranberries outrank
nearly every fruit and veg-
etable 4 including strawber-
ries, spinach, broccoli, red
grapes, apples, raspberries
and cherries.
Late September also kicks
off pumpkin season and
pumpkin-flavored things are
Pumpkins are a natural
no-guilt food, and packed
with nutrients 4 especially
beta-carotene and fiber. Half
a cup of pumpkin provides
200 percent of the current
recommendation for vita-
min A, along with lutein
and zeaxanthin, which are
pigments that promote eye
health. Pumpkins are rich in
potassium, which helps your
muscles contract and nerves
fire. Even pumpkin seeds are
Preparing fresh pumpkin
at home will deliver the most
benefits for your health, but
canned pumpkin is also a
great choice.
Think roasted butter-
nut squash or stuffed acorn
squash 4 all fresh from the
farmers market.
Although sometimes
called winter squash because
they keep so well when
weather turns cold, butternut,
spaghetti, turban squash and
other varieties are actually
harvested in the fall.
Squash is a traditional
vegetable mainstay for
many cultures worldwide.
Members of the squash fam-
ily are high in dietary fiber
and beta carotene, which
helps your body make vita-
min A and contributes to the
health of your skin, eyes, and
immune system.
Cut squash into halves or
cubes, sprinkle with oil, sea-
son with herbs and roast for
a flavorful entree, side dish,
or snack.
Fall root veggies 4 from
turnips and potatoes to sweet
potatoes and carrots 4 are
a good source of dietary
fiber and minerals, including
potassium and zinc.
Most people know that
the carrot is a root vegetable
that is usually orange in most
grocery stores. But carrots
can really dazzle you with
many other colors as well.
They can be white, yellow,
red, magenta and purple.
Another interesting
fact about carrots is that,
although most people eat
the root and throw away the
stems and leaves, these dis-
carded greens are also edible.
At one time, carrots were
grown for their leaves and
seeds rather than for their
roots. Thousands of years
later people began to eat the
root and discard the leaves.
Carrots also contain a
large amount of vitamin K,
vitamin B-6, carbohydrates,
protein, fiber and fat.
Root vegetables are nutri-
tion powerhouses full of
fiber and antioxidants and
jam packed with key nutri-
ents including potassium and
vitamin C. They9re extremely
low in calories too.
Plus, root vegetables go
great with any roast, making
any main dish sweeter with-
out adding sugar. There9s no
wrong way to serve them.
You can roast, puree or mash
root veggies and then add
your favorite seasonings for
a comforting and warming
side dish.
Among root veggies,
sweet potatoes stand out for
their nutrition. They also
contain beta carotene, the
antioxidant that the body
converts into vitamin A to
support healthy eyes and
skin. Sweet potatoes are
good sources of vitamin C
and vitamin B6, which may
have brain-health benefits.
Sweet potatoes are rich in
potassium, a vital mineral for
your nerves, muscles, and for
your heart9s electrical sys-
tem. You can mash, roast, or
char sweet potatoes and work
them into dishes from soup to
Brussels sprouts are pop-
ular now, although they used
to be everybody9s favorite
vegetable to hate. But if you
try roasting them in a sheet
pan with a little olive oil,
garlic, salt and pepper, you
will avoid that cooked-cab-
bage smell and flavor. When
oven-roasted, the vegetable
caramelizes and takes on a
slightly sweet flavor.
Brussels sprouts are low
in calories but high in fiber,
vitamins, and minerals.
Brussels sprouts are espe-
cially rich in vitamin K,
which is necessary for blood
clotting and bone health.
They9re also high in vitamin
C, an antioxidant that helps
promote iron absorption and
Stuffed squash is rich in flavor and nutrients.
is involved in tissue repair
and immune function.
Try incorporating these
autumnal fresh fruits and
veggies in your meals while
they9re in season!
For all your fall
here in Sisters!
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440 N. Pine St. • 541-549-8141 •
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offi ce is open to visitors!
Our hours continue to be limited, so we do
recommend making an appointment if an
in-person meeting is required.
For the well-being of our staff and clients
we are heeding CDC guidelines for
social distancing and masks are required.
The Nugget Office: 541-549-9941
News & Letters to the Editor:
Jim Cornelius, 541-390-6973 (cell)
Classifi eds, Subscriptions, Announcements,
Events: Lisa May,
Display Advertising:
Vicki Curlett, 541-699-7530 (cell)
Offi ce hours are Mon. & Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.;
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The Nugget Newspaper
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