The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, September 23, 2020, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
art tour in compliance
with state guidelines
Continued from page 5
“The Guardian,” a bristlecone pine from the White Mountains in eastern
California, by Davis Te Selle.
Movie House, Hayden
Homes join art tour
Continued from page 5
Art Scholarship. This schol-
arship will enable Daniel to
pursue his dream of studying
industrial design at Western
Washington University. “It
truly feels unreal to have
such a supportive commu-
nity willing to invest in my
future,” he said.
“We know arts are an
essential building block in the
schools and are of great value
to the Sisters community,”
said Chris Davis, regional
director for Hayden Homes.
<It is Hayden Homes9 honor
to collaborate with Sisters
High School and the Sisters
Arts Association to showcase
the incredible talent of Sisters
Country youth through this
scholarship. Daniel9s art
adds the perfect touch to
our model home, and we are
excited to be able to show-
case such a unique piece.”
Daniel9s display piece is
a three-dimensional wooden
wall sculpture. “For this
piece, I have chosen to
depict motions of nature by
showcasing the patterns of a
snowdrift,” he said. “I was
backcountry skiing when I
encountered an untouched
meadow of beauteous wind
drifts that had an other-
worldly visual energy. It
is one of the elements that
makes the Northwest dis-
tinctly northwest.”
Hayden Homes has also
generously donated $200
to Sisters Arts Association,
which combined with a gift
of $100 from SAA will go
toward three gift certificates
to be drawn at random from
the names of visitors to the
36 artists on the Studio Tour.
Hayden Homes wel-
comes you to stop by and
see Daniel9s piece in person
during the Artist Studio Tour.
Masks are required inside the
model home and the number
of people permitted at one
time will be controlled to
ensure social distancing.
McKenzie Meadows
Village Model Home is at
1666 W. McKinney Butte Rd.
It will be open Saturday from
11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday
from noon to 6 p.m.
Sisters Movie House will
semi-reopen this weekend
as part of the Artist Studio
Tour. Owner Drew Kaza
said that new artwork from
resident artist Davis Te Selle
will be featured in the lobby
area. Te Selle, who is based
in Portland, features iconic
trees at all stages of life. As
noted on Te Selle9s website,
“his work engages themes of
forbearance and resilience,
of wholeness in the face of
adversity,” a concept we can
all use more of at this time.
In Portland, he shows at
Sidestreet Arts.
Movie House hours will
be 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday
and Sunday. “We we will fire
up the popcorn kettle, though
not doing full food service,”
Kaza said. “We may end
up showing a few previews
depending on what9s avail-
able. This is an opportunity
for people to see the Movie
House and enjoy a bag of
popcorn.” It will still be some
time before the Movie House
can open fully.
Givot in her studio this year
is book artist Kelley Salber,
who will show her miniature
worlds and various types of
book sculpture, called altered
books. <I9m looking forward
to interacting with visitors and
engaging with the intricacies
of this media,” Salber said.
Her demonstrations include Terry Solini’s Studio is one of 26 on the tour.
building miniature books, and
taking classic books and turn- shows five rows of six mules to bring nature indoors and I
ing them into art. Givot9s stu- each, led by two mules in enjoy using urban salvage,
dio is at 18190 Wanona Rd., front, controlled by two reins. live edge walnut, big leaf
off Holmes Road outside of Although the original work maple, madrone, ash, elm,
is not available, Horsley has and myrtle. I am constantly
We reached sculptor Kim reproductions, along with amazed by the beauty found
Chavez at an art show in many other original oil paint- in these hardwoods and how
Jackson Hole, WY. She is an ings depicting the West. His they express patterns found
art show veteran, with a lot of home studio is at 942 E. in nature.” You can find him
work to display. She9s eager Timber Pine Dr. in Sisters. at 201 E. Sun Ranch Rd., Ste.
Art Blumenkron “semi- 103 (behind Fika Coffee).
for the Studio Tour, espe-
More information about
cially because Art in the High retired” to Sisters in 2016
Desert didn9t happen this and has since opened a wood the tour and artists is posted
year. <I9m going to set up my shop dedicated to creating at www.sistersartsassociation.
sculptures, maybe 10 or 12 fine furniture from beautiful org/sistersstudiotour.
pieces, as an art show on my Northwest hardwoods. “I like
patio. I have a rabbit named
Thumper in clay, and a bronze
owl named Hootie. I9ll also be
showing my process, includ-
ing an original piece, a wax,
and a mold.” Kim is at 2626
Thrush Ct. in Eagle Crest.
Artist Studio Tour guides
One of Jim Horsley9s are available at local galler-
recent works is the “32 Mule ies, restaurants, Sisters Area
Hitch Combine – Circa Chamber of Commerce,
1910,” commissioned by a lodging and elsewhere. The
client who provided a small guide lists and describes
black-and-white photo as each of the artists and their devices as well as the Guide
reference. “Due to the lack studio location, including for directions to each studio.
of resolution and color in maps. Roadside signs will A downloadable version of
the original photo, I spent be posted on the days of the the Guide is also available at
considerable time research- tour, and visitors are encour- www.sistersartsassociation.
ing the history and vari- aged to use their mapping org/sistersstudiotour.
ous other photos of similar
wheat combine-harvesters,”
Horsley said. The painting
Tour guides available
in print and online
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