Wednesday, September 23, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Sisters salutes... " Dave Johnson, DVM, wrote: I commend Tate Metcalf and his staff of the Sisters Athletic Club with excellence in operat- ing the Club with compe- tence, astute cleanliness/ sanitation, and exceeding the Oregon criteria during COVID-19. As a member, it is a pleasure to use your facili- ties and personally wit- ness the compliance by your members and staff in following your well- explained COVID-19 cri- teria. Particularly note- worthy is mandatory mask wearing, one-way traffic flows, separation of mem- bers using the facility along with your staff9s pleasur- able approach for enforce- ment of these special health safety measures. You manage our club with safety, sanitation, cleanliness, health, flow patterns of members, dis- tancing, installation of clear plexiglass barriers in front of reception counters, as well as other positive meth- ods. A notable example is the reservation system of one swim lane per person per hour. The staff provides exceptional guidance and methods for ease of com- pliance. This protects mem- bers using the swimming facility and locker areas. Sisters Athletic Club is an illustrious example for other athletic clubs, fitness clubs, and health clubs to emulate. The State of Oregon is fortunate to have your leadership with managing a health club dur- ing this pandemic. As a career commis- sioned officer of the US Public Health Service, I am pleased to provide you my full endorsement of your health practices and especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. You are clearly adhering to the top recommendations by esteemed health leaders such as Anthony Fauci, MD. " 24/7 Sports listed Sisters High School grad- uate Thomas Arends, Oregon, Director of Player Personnel in its list of