28 Wednesday, September 16, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon C L A S S I F I C E D L S A WOODLANDS: S S I Plan F 802 Help Wanted 999 Public Notice Sisters Graduate Resource PUBLIC NOTICE LOCUST Organization is looking for a STREET BRIDGE SEWER part-time, nonprofit Program LINE RELOCATION Manager to manage the September 11, 2020 day-to-day operations of Sisters Per Executive Order 11988 GRO. Please contact us at relating to floodplain info@sistersgro.org or at management and public noticing PO Box 1546, Sisters, OR 97759 requirements, the City of Sisters for further information and (City) is providing public notice details of job description. for pending 2021 Locust Street Bridge Sewer Line Relocation AQUA CLEAR SPA SERVICE Project (Project). This Project Hot tub servicing technician will relocate a pressure sewer line needed. Training provided with which is currently suspended on opportunity for advancement. the upstream side of the Locust Competitive pay. Clean driving Street Bridge over Whychus record required. Serious Creek. The sewer line will be applicants only. Call or email for relocated under the streambed to interview: 541-410-1023; protect the floodplain and aquaclearoregon@gmail.com community. The existing sewer Electronic Hardware Engineer: line was constructed in 2001. Bird Gard LLC, the world leader Since then, there have been two in electronic bird control, is highwater events where extensive seeking an experienced amounts of debris in Whychus Electronic Hardware Engineer. Creek have damaged the pipe's Employment will be full-time protective insulation. and will be based in the The City believes that further company9s facility in Sisters. debris impacts due to highwater Duties will be varied and flow pose a serious risk to the at times fast paced. pipe and floodplain. If very large The ideal candidate will have a or fast-moving debris were to great attitude, solid work ethic, break or severely damage the excellent work skills and pipe, the resulting damage and experience and be a team player loss of function would be throughout the organization. significant to the community with To apply please email obvious environmental impacts. info@birdgard.com to request a Please direct comments or job application form and formal questions to Paul Bertagna at job description. pbertagna@ci.sisters.or.us or Troy Rayburn at trayburn@ci.sisters.or.us T H E N U G G E T N E W S P A P E R C L A S S I F I E D S!! Help Wanted They're on the Web at Please send an email to www.nuggetnews.com sistersfencecompany@gmail.com Uploaded every Tuesday with letter of interest or afternoon at no extra charge! call 541-588-2062. Call 541-549-9941 Sisters Habitat for Humanity Deadline for classified is Join our fun team & make a Monday by noon difference in our community! Construction Assistant The Construction Assistant is responsible for helping the Construction Manager in planning, scheduling and executing new building construction, as well as renovation and repair projects. Part-time, hourly position, $15/hr. Email cover letter, resume and references to Darleene@sistershabitat.org. See job description at sistershabitat.org/hiring. Stitchin Post is hiring. Sales position, 3 days/week. Sewing, quilting, knitting experience helpful. Pick up application at the store (311 W Cascade) or email vjwells@stitchinpost.com. Construction Contractor Licensing Oregon law requires that those who work for compensation (except bona fide employees) in any construction activity involving improvements to real property to be licensed with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board. (There are several exemptions.) An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. For information go to www.oregon.gov/CCB for development still in the works Continued from page 1 the property from its current Public Facilities, Urban Area Reserve, and Landscape Management/Open Space to Downtown Commercial, Multi-Family Residential, North Sisters Business Park, and Open Space. Mardell outlined for the commissioners what some of the changes would look like for the 35.89-acre parcel. The Comprehensive Map would include 25.06 acres of residential multi-family, 4.96 acres North Sisters Business Park, 3.85 acres open space, and 1.97 acres downtown commercial. The two acres of Downtown Commercial along Highway 20 would allow for businesses as well as apartments and condos to act as buffers from the highway. The northern five acres would provide a buffer zone of Light Industrial and live/work housing across Barclay from the other Light Industrial development cur- rently under review. The west corner by the Highway 20/Barclay roundabout, des- ignated Open Space, could be used for park amenities. Paul Hodge, of Laird SuperFood, and one of the partners in PX2, the appli- cants, talked about the need to diversify the Sisters economy and the need to provide housing for work- ers and their families. Hodge pointed out the statistic that only 14 percent of people who work in Sisters live here.