Wednesday, August 26, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 7 Stars over Sisters By Paola Mendoza Correspondent September is a transi- tion month when it comes to stargazing. The constella- tions of summer are slowly making their way westward, while those of autumn begin to appear in the eastern sky. And, of course, the longer nights, coupled with still- comfortable temperatures, should provide ideal condi- tions for taking in the celes- tial sights. Ascending in the north- east sky after dusk is the prominent W-shaped constel- lation of Cassiopeia, queen of Ethiopia in legend. Although listed in most sources as a stellar grouping of autumn, from Central Oregon9s lati- tude the constellation is said to be circumpolar, meaning it never sets below the horizon. It is the 25th-largest constel- lation by area. Cassiopeia9s brightest star is Schedar, a 2.2 magnitude orange/red giant luminary that is about five times the mass of our sun but with a much cooler surface temper- ature. Astronomers estimate its diameter is approximately 84 times larger than the sun and lies some 228 light-years away. It is said that Schedar denotes the heart of the Queen. While there are only two Messier objects in Cassiopeia, M52 and M103, both open star clusters, the constellation features many deep sky treasures. This is due in part because an arm of the Milky Way is found there. One of the finest of these is IC 1805, commonly known as the Heart Nebula. It is officially classified as an emission nebula that contains glowing regions of ionized hydrogen gas. Near the neb- ula9s center lies a young clus- ter of stars that formed only about 1.5 million years ago. Known as Melotte 15, these stars range in size from a few bright supergiants each about 50 times the mass of our sun, to many more far dimmer stars that are only a fraction of the sun9s mass. Although the Heart Nebula is quite large, hav- ing a diameter equal to five full moons, it is exceedingly faint at magnitude 18.3, far beyond the reach of backyard telescopes. It lies 7,500 light- years from the earth. Fall in the Northern Hemisphere begins at 6:31 a.m. on September 22 when the sun reaches the Autumnal Equinox. At that time, the sun will cross the celestial equa- tor and begin its six-month journey into the celestial southern hemisphere. September is a good month to try to spot the Zodiacal light in the early morning before sunrise. The light is a roughly triangu- lar shaped faint glow that appears to extend from the sun9s direction along the ecliptic. The phenomenon is caused by sunlight that is scattered by interplanetary dust. Autumn is the best time of year to see the pre- dawn Zodiacal light because PHOTO BY RON BRECHER The Heart Nebula lies 7,500 light-years away in the constellation of Cassiopeia. the ecliptic makes a steep angle with the horizon. Your chance of seeing it improves when viewed from a dark location with no moon. The solar system9s two largest gas giants still rule the evening sky. Jupiter is the brighter of the two, while fainter Saturn is approxi- mately seven degrees farther east by mid-month. Both are still in Sagittarius and well placed for observation. Later in the month Mercury tries to put in an eve- ning appearance. Although on October 1 the tiny orb will be a full 25 degrees from the sun, it will only stand three degrees above the western horizon 30 minutes after sunset. The best chance to see it may be September 21, when Mercury and Spica lie less than one degree apart. Although too dim to see with the naked eye, on September 11 Neptune becomes an eve- ning object as well. The remaining three planets 4 Venus, Mars, and Uranus 4 are currently resi- dents of the morning sky. Since the Full Corn Moon falls on September 1, the moon will be on the wane until September 17 when it will go dark. For the remain- der of the month, Earth9s only natural satellite will gradually become more illuminated. DAVIS TIRE Our family can take care of your family of autos & trailers Brakes • Axles • Ball Joints • Suspension • Shocks • Struts TIRE INSTALLATION, ALIGNMENT, REPAIR, BALANCING, ROTATION Serving Se Ser S er e r vin vi in g S Sisters i ist stt ers e s Si S Since i nce in nce 1962 19 9 62 6 2 Sisters S Sis ter s Indu I Industrial n str ndu s r ial i al l Pa ia P Park a rk r k 188 W. Sisters Park Dr. 541-549-1026 FIREWOOD SALES No Charge Back-to-scho haircuts for kids! — Kindling — Friday, September 4 • 9 am to 5 pm — — Must make an appt. please! Call 541-306-1120. Year-round SISTERS FOREST PRODUCTS Bloom Studio 541-410-4509 — Casey Gardner • 110 S. Elm St., Sisters — AND SISTERS COMMUNITY CHURCH Sisters Dental WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! Trevor Frideres, D . M . D . Greg Everson, D . M . D . 541-549-2011 491 E. Main Ave. • Sisters Hours: Mon., 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Tues.-Thurs., 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Fri., 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Present an evening of FREE LIVE MUSIC with Sunday, August 30, 6 p.m. On the lawn of SISTERS COMMUNITY CHURCH 1300 W. McKenzie Hwy., Sisters Please bring chairs or blankets and observe social distancing guidelines.