Wednesday, August 26, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 21 C L A S S C I L F A I S E S D S I F I Sisters E salutes... 606 Landscaping & Yard NOW HIRING FOR RETAIL ASSOCIATES Maintenance SoulShine & Co is a new shop in Sisters. It's a small, thoughtfully curated shop carrying a variety of lifestyle products with a focus on From design to installation we small batch artisan producers. We can do it all! Pavers, water are now hiring for part-time features, irrigation systems, sod, positions (4-25 hours/week), plants, trees etc. specifically retail associates who 541-771-9441 LCB #8906 have retail experience working J&E Landscaping Maintenance for small boutiques/independent LLC Clean-ups, raking, mowing, shops. Must have a creative eye, and willingness to work hauling debris, gutters. weekends in addition to Edgar Cortez 541-610-8982 weekdays. Please stop by the shop (open Wed.-Sat. 10 a.m. to All Landscaping Services 5 p.m.) with your cover letter and Mowing, Thatching, Hauling... resumé to be considered for Call Abel Ortega, 541-815-6740. immediate employment. 351 W Hood Ave, Sisters. Needed: Operators with off-road 4-wheeler with snow Complete landscape construction, plow for winter work in Sisters. Please call Gary at fencing, irrigation installation & 541-419-2672. trouble-shooting, general cleanups, turf care maintenance 999 Public Notice and agronomic recommendations, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT fertility & water conservation OF THE STATE OF management, light excavation. OREGON FOR THE CCB 188594 " LCB 9264 COUNTY OF DESCHUTES 541-515-8462 In the matter of the estate of: 3 All You Need Maintenance 3 Gary Kent Rodgers, deceased. Pine needle removal, hauling, Case No. 20PB05520 Notice to mowing, moss removal, edging, interested persons. Notice is raking, weeding, pruning, roofs, hereby given that the undersigned gutters, pressure washing... has been appointed as the Lic/Bonded/Ins. CCB# 218169 personal representative of the Austin " 541-419-5122 Estate of Gary Kent Rodgers. All BUSINESS TO PROMOTE? persons having claims against the VEHICLE FOR SALE? estate are hereby required to CONDO FOR LEASE? present their claims, with proper GARAGE TOO FULL? vouchers attached, within four NEED SOME HELP? months after the date of first Advertise in publication of this notice, as The Nugget Newspaper's stated below, to the personal CLASSIFIEDS representative at: For no additional cost Mark G. Rodgers your classified goes ONLINE! 20925 Hilltop Pl. Go to Bend, OR 97703 DEADLINE: Every Monday by or claims may be barred. All noon. Call 541-549-9941 persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional BLAKE & SON 3 Commercial, information from the records of Home & Rentals Cleaning the court, the personal WINDOW CLEANING! representative at the address set Lic. & Bonded " 541-549-0897 forth above. NOTICE OF PUBLIC 802 Help Wanted HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Sisters Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing at Sisters City Hall, 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Help Wanted Sisters (mailing address PO Box Please send an email to 39, Sisters, OR 97759) during a special meeting on September with letter of interest or 10, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. regarding call 541-588-2062. the applications listed below. The Davis Tire hearing will be held according to FT & PT positions available. SDC Chapter 4.1 and the rules of Pay dependent upon experience. procedure adopted by the Council Apply in person, and available at City Hall. Prior 188 W. Sisters Park Dr. to the public hearing, written Immediate positions available. comments may be provided to Dishwasher. Evening shifts Sisters City Hall at 520 E. available Wed., Thurs., Fri. Pick Cascade Avenue, Sisters (mailing up application in person at address PO Box 39, Sisters, OR Rancho Viejo. 97759) or emailed to A D V E R T I S E H E R E ! . Do you offer LESSONS, Comments should be directed WORKSHOPS or CLASSES? toward the criteria that apply to Let our readers know! this request and must reference JUST $2 per line the first week, the file number. For additional $1.50 per line for repeat weeks. information, please contact And online at no extra charge! Nicole Mardell, Principal Planner Call by 541-549-9941 at (541) 323-5208 or 701 Domestic Services The staff report and recommendation to the hearings body will be available for review at least seven days before the hearing. All submitted evidence and materials related to the application are available for inspection at City Hall. Copies of all such materials will be available on request at a reasonable cost. TTY services are available at the Sisters City Hall. Please contact Kerry Prosser, City Recorder, at 541-323-5213 for arrangements. The Sisters City Hall building is a fully handicapped-accessible facility. Due to COVID-19 and required social distancing measures, the City will make accommodations for remote participation and strongly encourages all interested parties to participate remotely. Meeting access information will be posted on the Planning Commission Agenda on September 3, 2020 and can be found on https:// Written comments will be accepted via drop off to the utility payment box at City Hall, 502 E Cascade Avenue, Sisters prior to September 10 at 3 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING: September 10, 2020 at 5:30 PM FILE #: CP 20-03, ZM 20-02 (Sisters Woodlands) APPLICANT: PX2 Investments, LLC OWNER: United States Forest Service LOCATION: 201 N Pine Street, Sisters OR Map and Taxlot #: 151005D000200 PROJECT WEBSITE: community-development/page/ sisters-woodlands-rezone-cp-20- 03-zm-20-02 REQUEST: The Applicant is requesting approval of a Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map Amendment to redesignate and rezone the property from Public Facilities (PF), Urban Area Reserve (UAR), and Landscape Management/Open Space to Downtown Commercial, Multi-Family Residential, North Sisters Business Park, and Open Space. No specific development plans are proposed at this time. All materials can be found on the project website listed above. APPLICABLE CRITERIA: City of Sisters Development Code (SDC): Chapter 4.7 (Land Use District Map and Text Amendments), Chapter 4.1 (Types of Applications and Review. Statewide Land Use Goals, City of Sisters Comprehensive Plan, Oregon Revised Statutes, Oregon Administrative Rules. Construction Contractors Licensing ~ An active license means your contractor is bonded and insured. The State of Oregon provides details at the online Oregon Construction Contractors Board at Josh Nordell and the Life Skills and Transition Staff at Sisters High School wrote: