The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, August 26, 2020, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, August 26, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Letters to the Editor…
The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer9s name, address and
phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions
not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a
response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items
are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is 10 a.m. Monday.
Jim A. and Jim C. — old pals and newspaper colleagues for 27 years.
The world’s all right
By Jim Cornelius
Editor in Chief
It must have been the
haze of wildfire smoke.
When I sat down at my
desk at The Nugget over the
weekend to open an email
from Jim Anderson, my eyes
got a little watery.
The message was one
I knew was coming, but it
was mighty poignant all the
same. The message read:
<OK, here it is Good
People, the Last Story, all
2,700 words of it. I hope
you9ll run it, perhaps in two
editions...or whatever. It9s
going to be a very sad day
for me when Sue and I walk
out of our home of almost
50 years and leave this land
of Central Oregon that I
love, but the one constant in
Nature is change...=
Jim and Sue are heading
to the Willamette Valley to
be closer to family. It9s the
end of an era.
Who am I fooling? It
wasn9t the smoke.
Jim9s message was poi-
gnant, sure, but also funny.
It9s just like Jim to leave his
editor with a massive 2,700-
word column. He9s known
since before I became his
editor that columns really
should max out at about 800
words. So& the <last story=
will have to be three.
I don9t think Jim would
mind me telling you that
he is a bit of a handful for
an editor. Word counts, like
the Pirate Code, are <more
guidelines than actual
rules.= And he was never
really comfortable with the
distinction between a news
story and an opinion col-
umn. Keeping his opinion
and voice out of a piece
wasn9t something that came
naturally, and Jim could be
mighty set in his ways&
But, after all, Jim
Anderson has a wonder-
ful and distinctive voice,
and strong passions for the
things he holds dear: avia-
tion; family; the bounty of
Nature. Come right down to
it, it9s a voice that shouldn9t
be muted. And it9s a voice
we9ll miss.
Jim is a man of strong
principles and a caring heart.
I9ve seldom met anyone so
genuinely warm-hearted,
so thrilled to see others
thrive and succeed. He was
so proud of his children9s
accomplishments 4 and
he was proud of yours, too.
About the only thing that
could obviate his compas-
sion and love for his fellow
man was seeing Man dam-
age and destroy his beloved
natural world. For those
who would deliberately and
wantonly destroy Nature, he
reserved a fiery and righ-
teous anger.
But even when he had
to be a warrior, he was a
happy one 4 and he knew
that the best way to combat
a destructive mentality is to
educate people and imbue
in them an understanding
and appreciation for its joys
and wondrous beauty. Jim is
a teacher, perhaps above all
else 4 formally, through his
writing and simply through
casual conversation.
We should all do so well
as to fill 92 years of life with
real living, as Jim Anderson
has. We shared a love for the
poetry of Robert W. Service,
and it9s fitting that he signed
off with a favorite passage:
The World9s all right;
serene I sit,
And joy that I am part of
And put my trust in
Nature9s plan,
And try to aid her all I
Content to pass, if in my
I9ve served the uplift of
the Race.
Truth! Beauty! Love! O
Radiant Day 4
What ho! The World9s all
right, I say.
Editor9s note:
We are entering the cauldron of an elec-
tion cycle that may be as heated as any in
American history. The Nugget welcomes
opinion from across the political spectrum,
and we expect those opinions to be vigor-
ously expressed. Argue for persuasion, not
for provocation; refrain from name-calling or
personal attacks on other letter-writers.
Letters addressing local and regional
races/issues will be given priority. Repetitive
or form letters will not be published and vol-
ume may dictate that the number of letters
from a single person be restricted.
Jim Cornelius
Editor in Chief
To the Editor:
NO on Bonham.
By now, we9re all probably less than
enthusiastic about another Zoom meeting. We
miss our friends and family and colleagues.
Seeing them on a screen just isn9t the same
as being with them in person. But the reality
is, videoconferencing or virtual meetings are
drastically reducing the spread of COVID-19
and saving lives.
This is why I9m really disappointed in
Representative Daniel Bonham (HD 59), for
voting NO on HB 4212, which authorizes
public governing bodies to conduct all pub-
lic meetings by phone or videoconference.
Fortunately it passed without his vote, as all
Democrats and a majority of Republicans
voted for it.
Does Mr. Bonham not recognize that
we have a serious crisis and we need to act
accordingly? Meeting remotely will slow the
spread of a COVID-19, which has already
killed more than 150,000 Americans. There is
no logical reason to vote against such a bill
during a worldwide pandemic, while case
numbers are still increasing here in Oregon,
unless he is ignoring medical science. Perhaps
Mr. Bonham believes the president when he
See LETTERS on page 6
Sisters Weather Forecast
Courtesy of the National Weather Service, Pendleton, Oregon
The Nugget Newspaper, LLC
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Third Class Postage Paid at Sisters, Oregon.
Editor in Chief: Jim Cornelius
Production Manager: Leith Easterling
Creative Director: Jess Draper
Community Marketing
Partner: Vicki Curlett
Classifieds & Circulation: Lisa May
Owner: J. Louis Mullen
The Nugget is mailed to residents within the Sisters School District; subscriptions are available outside delivery area.
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