Wednesday, August 19, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Commentary... Man killed in highway rollover Intimate is the African Night — Part 3 By Chris Morin Columnist The camera9s fall, towards the lioness9s head instantly created empty space between her eyes and mine, causing the raw magnitude of the moment to somehow leap up yet another level. Her head snapped an inch to the side in response to the camera bouncing at the end of its strap, which encircled my neck. Absentmindedly, maybe out of habit, I had slung it over my head before standing up and that might very well have saved my life. The little twists and turns of the swaying camera just three feet above her noggin ratcheted up the raw tension even more. She immediately refocused and this time her eyes seared deeper into mine, which helplessly locked into hers. Those bottomless feline eyes seemed to emit a soft greenish light, like the sea might hold at a faraway island paradise. Dreadfully enthralling, they induced my awareness, mind, and very soul to fall off the cliff of my own existence and down into hers. She owned me. The lioness seemed to contemplate if I might be something to spontane- ously take, possess, and then devour so as to become a per- manent part of her. My breathing shut down. I presume my heart con- tinued to beat, but for all I know, the blood could have drained from it. Purely, this was Mowgli in The Jungle Book being hypnotized by the great snake Kaa, helpless to do anything about it. A lifetime of two or three seconds passed. I hadn9t moved a speck since letting go of the camera. Gradually, she unbolted our stare by turning her head away to see what else the pride was considering, and gradually moved a leg and paw out to resume her previous path. Like a victim whose spell by the conjurer had just been broken, I turned away as fast as I could while she serenely continued on her way. The urgent need to let the guide know of the PHOTO PROVIDED The Pride of Nine taking an afternoon nap. predicament made me pro- claim,