4 Wednesday, August 12, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Tales from a Sisters Naturalist by Jim Anderson A legacy of caring The news that the Rimrock Ranch is going to remain what it is today and forever more, because it is now under the ownership of the Deschutes Land Trust, (DLT), is like hearing that apple pie is for breakfast and will help you live to 120. Ever since Bob and Gayle Baker came into my life, I was hoping they9d head down that preservation road. In times to come, that land 4 with Whychus Creek run- ning through it, plus support- ing active bald and golden eagle nests and other natural resources 4 will be a trea- sure house of the biota of Central Oregon. When they purchased the place in 1988, Bob, being a lawyer, was up to his armpits in legal issues in Alaska. He had his eye on retiring in the near future and coming to live in the Sisters Country, but there was just no way he could live in both places. In that light, he hired Roy Runco of Sisters to watch over the place. Roy was charged with, as he puts it today,