Wednesday, August 12, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 19 The Nugget Newspaper Crossword LETTERS Continued from page 18 By Jacqueline E. Mathews, Tribune News Service To the Editor: The time is approaching rapidly where Americans must make an important decision as to the direction of our country. Aside from the tragedy of COVID-19, there is an evil embed- ded within peaceful demonstrations across the country seeking to destroy America with a socialist/Marxist agenda. Supported by the mainstream media and senior politicians in the Democratic Party by omission of intelligent response, they seek power at any cost. Consumed with hate for President Trump, they appear to have little concern for America9s future as demonstrated over the past four years9 fabrication of one corrupt hoax after another. It9s all about attaining power. They failed to enslave African Americans so have now upped the ante to enslave the entire country with socialism/Marxism and endless promises of free stuff, equal pay for all, open borders, defund the police, guaranteed income, etc. One must wonder how the last surviving members of the Greatest Generation feel about this fascist war on America. World War II saw the defeat of evil that has its same roots embedded within today9s hate-America movement. Take the murder of an unborn child and selling the body parts for profit. If that is not evil straight out of the pit of hell what is? We have the greatest country on earth with the greatest governing documents ever conceived 4 the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. We, and the world, all own a great deal of gratitude to those that paid the ultimate sacrifice during World War II. Can you even imagine back during that period a journalist asking the President