6 Wednesday, August 5, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon TRAILHEAD: New location will have less impact on neighbors Continued from page 1 a citizen letter-writing cam- paign in support of the new trailhead. Approval for the project was received in 2012 from the Forest Service, but it took four years to obtain the project funding. After two unsuccess- ful attempts to obtain fund- ing for the approved proj- ect, STA9s Guttormsen and Patrick Eckford worked on the 16-page grant appropria- tion request, adding actual trail data to the request. The third time was the charm when Oregon Parks and Recreation Department9s Recreational Trails Program granted $152,000 to be matched by $38,661.40 from other sources for a total proj- ect cost of $190,661.40. That OPRD money comes from Federal gas tax funds. Jodi Bellefeuille with OPRD told the people assembled for the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new trailhead last Thursday that the money was granted in part due to all the work done by so many people. Not only did the proposal have to be written, but the trail data had to be collected and a formal presentation had to be made in front of an OPRD advi- sory committee. Jerold Wesley, a 15-year civil engineer with the Deschutes National Forest, served as the project engi- neer on the new trailhead. He used the dimensions of a Sprinter van to design the parking spaces. Besides 25 designated off-road gravel parking spaces and the installation of a CXT prefab- ricated toilet, the trailhead will also have an informa- tional kiosk built by the STA, bike racks, space for user staging, and room for future expansion. Sisters District Ranger, Ian Reid, who emceed the ribbon cutting, is himself a fan of the PRT, having dis- covered it three years ago upon his arrival in Sisters. He pointed out that trails in Sisters meet strategies of all four pillars of the Sisters Vision project. Reid expressed F orm erly Big Formerly Form Bigfoot gfoot Wellness Wellnes Wel lness lnes s s STAY COOL & CARRY ON! CHECK OUT RESOURCES HERE www.blackbutte chiropractic.com 541-389-9183 392 E. Main Ave., Sisters appreciation for the collab- orative effort surrounding the trailhead.