Wednesday, July 29, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Continued from page 1 as the East Portal, is located across Highway 20 from the other properties, bounded by Highway 242, West Hood Avenue, and Highway 20. It is called the East Portal because it is the eastern end of scenic Highway 242 that crosses the Cascade Mountains, over the old McKenzie Pass (closed in the winter). Although the Portal has belonged to the USFS for years, the Sisters Public Works Department has main- tained the public restrooms for use by travelers during the summer. There is also an interpretive map at the Portal, as well as a walking labyrinth created by one of the Ford Family Foundation Leadership Cohorts. The City of Sisters and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) both have an interest in that trian- gle and have been in explor- atory conversations for over a year regarding a possible part- nership to acquire the land. In February of this year, the Forest Service agreed to not market the land and keep it in public ownership. The City would like to retain the Open Space designation and have some of the property provide benefit to the trans- portation system.