Wednesday, July 29, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Scottie Wisdom&Faith Jean Russell Nave Scotties letting go PHOTO BY JODI SCHNEIDER Ruby loves to play ball. But with the summer heat it’s best to play in the morning or evening. DOGS: Cycling with dogs can pose problems Continued from page 13 a one-size-fits-all situation. Every breed is different, and every individual dog has varying exercise needs. The exercise needs and tolerance are different for a puppy than they are for an adult dog. Their bodies, muscles, tendons and bones are growing and develop- ing. As their growth plates on their big bones have not healed and sealed up, repeti- tive and high-impact activity can do serious harm. Monitor your puppy on the walk and end the walk if he shows signs of overtiring such as lagging behind, lying down, or panting. If your dog shows signs of excessive panting during or after exertion, extreme thirst and lagging behind when they are normally in front raring to go means you may be over-exercising him. Muscular pain and stiff- ness are other signs your dog may be getting too much exercise. Many pet parents work all week and try to fit in a week9s worth of exercise into two days off. This isn9t good for your pooch because they will push through warn- ing muscle and joint pain and fatigue for play time with their favorite companion. If an older dog has osteo- arthritis, overexertion can cause immediate pain and actually accelerate the ongo- ing degeneration of joint tissues. You know your dog best, and if you remain observant, you9ll realize when he9s get- ting too hot or fatigued. If he starts to slow down, or pants to excess, it9s probably time to head home. Scotties, though some- times stubborn, are adaptable. They ultimately let me be in control of any given situa- tion. They like a routine, as we all do. Scotties also want to know what to expect and what is expected of them4 just like kids and employ- ees. That said, when we have traveled with our Scottie pack they have quickly adapted to each new situation, listening for my guidance and making the best of each new location. Scotties trust me but they can still be willful. The pups always are ready to remind me if I have forgotten to give them something they expect, such as dinner number one at about 3 p.m. They get din- ner number two 4 their daily fresh vegetables with goat9s milk yogurt as salad dressing 4 when we sit down for our dinner. This means they don9t like it when we go out to din- ner and they are left at home. The reason I like Scotties so much is because they are a lot like people. People like having some routines and we don9t want our goodies dis- turbed or denied. Letting go of control is difficult for Scotties and Make us your natural & organic foods destination! Located in the Cascade Village Shopping Center, Bend Open every day, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Isolated shopping hour: 6 to 7 a.m. • Large organic produce selection • Huge organic & natural selection storewide • Meat cut & ground fresh daily • Huge bulk-foods department • All your favorite local brands & items • Only 20 minutes from Sisters • Proud to be 100% locally owned people. Yet it is something we are advised to do as we grow in our closeness to God. He knows what we need and if we have faith He will give us the essentials 4