14 Wednesday, July 29, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon LETTERS Continued from page 2 To the Editor: Hello again to my wonderful community. I would like to take a moment to add to the information regarding COVID-19 that I feel has not been reported on enough. It is the actual hands-on care (acuity) that is needed to care for the hospitalized COVID- positive patients. As you may already know, I work as an RN in the ICU in Bend. I work with a won- derful, hard-working, compassionate team of health-care providers; Doctors, RNs, RTs, CNAs, etc. In this letter I can only speak per- sonally for the processes in the ICU, but I know all the units are working just as hard to care for our community. Typically in the ICU it takes one RN for two ICU patients 4 2:1. Frequently there are 1:1 ratios when an ICU patient is requir- ing a higher acuity of care. When a COVID patient comes to the unit they are a higher acuity and require 1:1 care. We also need a