Wednesday, July 22, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Looking at this from Sue9s point of view, espe- cially after all the work she goes through keeping the green going, I can under- stand her annoyance when something gets into her grass 4 like a pocket gopher. Tales from a It isn9t just the grass they eat that gets Sue upset, it9s also the huge mess they make doing so. by Jim Anderson However, a soaring hawk 4 red-tail, Swanson9s, fer- ruginous or the like 4 will spot a gopher mound a mile away (literally) and come My wife, Sue, keeps a sailing along watching for small lawn in the backyard the animal to come to the of our residence at Sun surface. Mountain. She believes a One thing that brings a lawn is a wonderful place gopher to the surface is the for grandchildren to play. condition of their residence. To keep it healthy, she irri- If the hole gets plugged the gates, fertilizes and trims gopher has to open it quickly it and becomes very upset to keep air circulating in when one of Nature9s chil- their home. dren decides to come and Most times a hawk, live in it. owl or coyote will snatch a One of the reasons I tol- gopher out of its hole when erate lawns is they are mag- it comes to the surface, and nificent places for dandeli- that9s that. ons and worms to grow and Be that as it may, those for a variety of insects to lay mounds are particularly eggs which hatch, eat the annoying to Sue, so when grass roots and then meta- one appears she gets out her morphose into food for other gopher traps and the poor members of the biomass of things are soon food for our back yard. Also, bees, Gary Landers9 raptors at his and just about any pollinator rehab facility in Sisters. you can think of, just love It took two days, but her dandelions. recent efforts bore fruit when she saw the trap triggered in her daily, early morn- ing inspections of her gardens and lawn. As she started for the house to show me the suc- cess of her trap- ping efforts I could see the look of consternation on her face. It didn9t change as she said,