The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, July 22, 2020, Page 18, Image 18

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Wednesday, July 22, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
COUGARS: Residents
have mixed feelings
about cats
Continued from page 1
Cougars can be killed if
they become a threat. Heath
said there is no such ODFW
control action imminent.
<We don9t have anything
planned at the moment,= he
said. <We hope it doesn9t
come to that and most sight-
ings don9t rise to that level
and the cats just move on on
their own. And that9s kind
of the outcome everybody is
hoping for.=
Heath said that opinions
and attitudes toward cougars
mixed among residents of
Sisters Country 4 including
among those who have them
in their neighborhood.
<Some like having them
there; they hope to see one;
think that it9s their habitat,=
he said. <Others want them
out of there. So, it9s a balanc-
ing act.=
The Nugget Newspaper Crossword
By Jacqueline E. Mathews, Tribune News Service
Do’s and don’ts of
cougar contacts
ODFW has a list of do9s
and don9ts regarding cou-
gar contacts. Report any
cougar sighting or encoun-
ter to a local ODFW office
(Bend, 541-388-6363), or
the Oregon State Police. If
you pay strict attention to
the guidelines and should
come into contact with a
cougar in its territory 4 or
wandering around in yours
4 everything should come
out well for all parties.
— Last Week’s Puzzle Solved —
" Learn your neigh-
borhood. Be aware of
any wildlife corridors or
places where deer or elk
" Walk pets during the
day; keep them on a leash.
" Keep pets indoors at
dawn and dusk. Shelter
them for the night.
" Feed pets indoors.
" Don9t leave food and
garbage outside.
" Use animal-proof gar-
bage cans if necessary.
" Remove heavy brush
from near the house and
play areas.
" Install motion-acti-
vated light outdoors along
walkways and driveways.
" Be more cautious at
dawn and dusk when cou-
gars are most active.
" Do not feed any wild-
life. By attracting other
wildlife, you may attract a
" Keep areas around
bird feeders clean.
" Deer-proof your gar-
den and yard with nets,
lights, fencing.
" Fence and shelter live-
stock. Move them to sheds
or barns at night.
" Be aware of your sur-
roundings at all times.
" Leave your dog at
home or keep it on a leash.
Pets running free may lead
a cougar back to you.
" Hike in groups. Make
noise to alert wildlife of
your presence.
" Keep children close
to you. Teach them about
" Keep campsites clean.
Sleep 100 yards from
cooking areas.
" Store food in animal-
proof containers.
" Carry deterrent spray.
" Be cautious at dusk
and dawn.
" Never feed any wild-
life. Prey attracts predators.
" Do not approach any
wildlife; stay at least 100
yards away.
" Steer clear of baby
wildlife. Mother is likely
" Be alert when sitting
quietly or stopping to rest.
" Be especially alert at
dawn and dusk when cou-
gars are most active.
" Be aware that animal
calls and animal kills can
attract a cougar.
" Cougars often will
retreat if given the oppor-
tunity. Leave the animal a
way to escape.
" Stay calm and stand
your ground.
" Maintain direct eye
" Pick up children, but
do so without bending
down or turning your back
on the cougar.
" Back away slowly.
" Do not run. Running
triggers a chase response
in cougars, which could
lead to an attack.
" Raise your voice and
speak firmly.
" If the cougar seems
aggressive, raise your
arms to make yourself
look larger and clap your
" If in the very unusual
event that a cougar attacks
you, fight back with rocks,
sticks, bear or pepper
spray, tools or any items
This Week’s Crossword Sponsors
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