Wednesday, July 22, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon In the PINES By T. Lee Brown Cakewalk I loved cakewalks as a kid. Local people in our area of small farms and ranches in Lane County would bake cakes. It was a chance to show off decorating skills or get a favorite recipe out into the community. Cakes stood proudly in the church9s youth chapel or the elementary school9s gym during holidays and school carnivals. Tickets were sold. Each contestant walked around a circle of numbered chairs while music played. When the music stopped, you9d freeze and sit in the nearest chair. A number was pulled from a hat, raffle-style. If you were sitting in the right chair? You won a cake. Though I rarely won, I abso- lutely loved the game. Thus I was bummed to hear that some folks consider the word