The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, July 22, 2020, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, July 22, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Lawmakers OK $50M for
arts/culture organizations
State lawmakers have voted
to distribute $50 million in
federal relief funds to Oregon
arts and culture organizations
still struggling amid the coro-
navirus pandemic.
Legislators voted Tuesday
to direct $24 million to indi-
vidual organizations includ-
ing the Oregon Shakespeare
Festival and Oregon
Symphony, among others,
and another $26 million to
county coalitions who can
distribute funds to other local
arts and culture organizations
in need, The Oregonian/
OregonLive reported.
<This is a really welcome
gift,= said Dana Whitelaw,
executive director of the High
Desert Museum in Bend,
which received $700,000
from the bill. The museum is
projecting a revenue loss of
close to $1.5 million through
the end of the year, she said.
<This starts to cover a signifi-
cant portion of that.=
The largest amounts went
to the Oregon Shakespeare
Festival, which received $4.7
million, and Metro, which got
$4.1 million. Funds also went
to the Oregon Symphony,
Portland Opera, Portland
Center Stage, Oregon
Ballet Theater, Pendleton
Round-Up and the Oregon
Coast Community College.
More than $9.6 million
will also be split up among
78 arts venues around the
state, from Revolution Hall
in Portland to the Elgin Opera
House in northeast Oregon.
The $50 million comes
from the CARES Act, a fed-
eral coronavirus relief fund
that distributed an estimated
$2.45 billion to Oregon. The
Joint Emergency Board of
the Oregon State Legislature
approved the bill Tuesday on
a 19-1 vote.
Over 20 test positive for
COVID-19 at Bend facility
BEND (AP) 4 More
than 20 people have tested
positive for COVID-19 at
the Mt. Bachelor Memory
Care center in Bend, health
officials said.
After four days of testing
staff and residents, contact
tracers are working to deter-
mine the origin of the infec-
tion, according to Deschutes
County Health Services
director Dr. George Conway.
One person tested positive
on Saturday, The Bulletin
Over the weekend of July
11-12, county health officials
started testing residents and
staff as they came to work.
Conway says not all the test
results are in. He says most
who have tested positive are
residents, along with some
None of the people who
have tested positive are clin-
ically ill or needing hospital-
ization, Conway said.
Now that a positive case
has been identified there,
new residents will not be
accepted and additional lim-
its will be placed on visitors,
according to the human ser-
vices website.
<The residents are strug-
gling,= Facility Executive
Director Mallory DaCosta
said. <They don9t always
want to wear masks. The
staff is devastated.=
As of Wednesday, there
have been nearly 13,100
COVID-19 cases in Oregon,
and at least 247 Oregonians
have died from the virus,
health officials said.
The virus causes mild
to moderate symptoms in
most patients, and the vast
majority recover. But it is
highly contagious and can
cause severe illness and
death in some patients, par-
ticularly the elderly and
those with underlying health
Sallye Stauber, DNP
Urgent care provider
occupational health
can be together.
Sherry Steele
Continued from page 2
vets called their wives in the Midwest and
said, <Put the kids in the car and drive out to
California; we are not going to have to live
through any more snowy winters!=
So, I9m in the second or third grade and
because of the influx of kids, the school went
to double sessions. We had too many kids and
not enough chairs. So, I went three hours in
the morning and another group of kids went
for three hours in the afternoon. I loved it:
more time to play baseball in the street with
my pals.
The message is 4 we have been here
before; what9s the big deal.
If we want our kids to attend school, lets
figure out a way to do it. We did so in 1946!
Bruce Rognlien
To the Editor:
Our lives have changed. Our freedom to
do what we want and when we want is more
restricted for now. This freedom that we have
taken for granted in our culture is contributing
to death and destruction of our friends, fam-
ily, health, wealth, economy, businesses, fun,
love and happiness.
Self-centeredness has taken the lead. That
has to go away if you want to live and you
don9t want to take the life of others. That
party or get-together can wait. Be proud of
yourself for not causing the death of your
relative or friend.
American tears are falling, this virus
spreading is our own fault. We can fix it only
if we choose to. In many cases leadership
is missing or marginal when we need it the
most. It is way past time for our leaders to
lead and tell the truth. The facts and science
are real, read them.
The sky is not falling, Chicken Little; just
be smart. You are not losing your freedom
forever you are free to do the right thing. Be
the solution not the problem.
Wear a mask, social distance, wash
your hands, hold off on that gathering. The
sooner we work together the earlier we
To the Editor:
I do not believe that two letters blaming
inequities on <those who have chosen not to
carry their own weight= (John Baldwin) and
claiming that <EVERY other American (has)
the greatest freedom and opportunity of any
place on earth= (Larry Benson) accurately
reflect our community as a whole.
I invite you to include the voices of those
who, like me, are NOT <self hating= but who
believe that principles on which our nation
was founded REQUIRE us to think critically
about where our nation is headed, and what
we, individually, can do to insure that it is
on the right path. We are not on the streets,
not even certain of the right path. We do not
hate law enforcement, but we have listened to
recordings of the last words of people of color
killed in interactions with police, and we have
recognized that something is very, very wrong
when a terrified person, who has done noth-
ing wrong, ends up dead.
Personally, at age 70, and with a life
experience of living in Asia, Africa and
South America, not to mention both sides
of the U.S., I am disappointed in myself
that I9ve only recently begun to understand
the comprehensive economic disadvantage
that followed from slavery. I had friends in
boarding school from very successful black
families with a longer family history of pro-
fessional status than my own, I was sworn
in as a diplomat by Secretary of State Colin
Powell (whose parents were immigrants) and
served in a very diverse State Department.
Integration of elites is very seductive distrac-
tion, but does not reflect economic, political
or social realities in our communities.
Any initiative to address inequality will
also address the challenges faced by immi-
grants and whites whose low incomes do not
necessarily reflect a choice to <not carry their
own weight,= but rather the disproportionate
benefits that some of us enjoy.
See LETTERS on page 17
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