Wednesday, July 15, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Sisters salutes... " The board of Sisters Trails Alliance sends a huge thank you to our friends at Lake Creek Lodge for the unexpected and generous donation. Once volunteers are back out on the trails doing regular maintenance and trail work they9ll put those funds to good use provid- ing the tools and materials they need and the apprecia- tion they deserve for keep- ing our trail system in great shape. " The Steering Committee of the Sisters Cold Weather Shelter would like to acknowledge and thank all our supporters over the past four winters. We could not have done the work we did serving our homeless in Sisters without your assistance. For shelter space 4 the four churches that opened their doors: Church of the Transfiguration, Shepherd of the Hills, Sisters Community Church and Wellhouse Church. Our volunteers: We are grateful for dozens of volunteers who provided scrumptious dinners and breakfasts, or monitored for an evening or overnight. And the folks who helped us fundraise, strategize and coordinate volunteers Our staff: We used