The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, July 15, 2020, Page 20, Image 20

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Partners in Real Estate // The Nugget Newspaper // July 15, 2020
Keeping an eye on the
financial big picture
Kathy Kemper-Zanck has a
knack for making complex and
potentially confusing matters
straightforward and simple.
<I was a school teacher,= she
said. <I know how to explain
things really well.=
That comes in handy when
clients are looking at a bewil-
dering array of mortgage loan
options. It9s particularly useful
in the work Kemper-Zanck finds
herself enjoying more and more
4 home equity conversion mort-
gages, commonly called reverse
<I do a lot of reverse mortgag-
es now, and those are a different
beast to wrap your brain around,=
she said. <There9s a lot of different
ways to structure it.=
Details are critical, and Kem-
per-Zanck has the temperament
and communication skills to walk
with a client every step of the way.
<It just takes a lot of patience
and clear instruction to make sure
you do it in the way that9s best for
the client,= she said.
She takes deep satisfaction in
the work.
<I9m seeing the power in how
these can absolutely bring peace
and financial stability to our
seniors,= she said.
Kemper-Zanck is committed to
the best possible outcome for all
of her clients. It9s not just about
getting them into a loan. It9s about
getting them into the right loan
4 one that works in their bigger
financial picture.
Licensed to work in Oregon,
Arizona, and California, Kemper-
Zanck prides herself on going the
extra mile to meet client needs,
thinking creatively, and providing
options that a client might not be
aware of. She says that in about
50 percent of transactions the cli-
ent ends up doing something dif-
ferent than what they had origi-
nally planned because Kemper-
Zanck comes up with ideas and
<I love that,= she said. <I get
so excited to help people. I think
I9m really good at making sure my
clients get the best bang for their
buck for this. I9m that way with all
my clients.=
I was a school teacher,
I know how to explain
things really well.
4 Kathy Kemper-Zanck
Finding dreams with
Sisters HomeLand Realty
Ali Mayea raised her
family in Sisters after
coming here in 1985.
Deep roots in the com-
munity mean she9s got
her finger on the pulse
of activity 4 which
means a lot when the
housing inventory is so
<I kind of have a
handle on what may be
up for sale or finding it,
looking for it,= she said.
Mayea operates Sis-
ters HomeLand Realty out of the
historic Hardy Allen House on the
corner of Main Avenue and Larch
Street. The location itself offers
a warm welcome to prospective
<I love coming to work here,=
Mayea said.
She prides herself on having
a knack for quickly determin-
ing what a client9s true desires
are in a home, and helping them
act quickly to secure their dream.
Communication is the critical tool
in narrowing down key goals so
that both buyers and sellers can
act efficiently and effectively in a
fast-paced market.
<Time is of the essence,= she
photo provided
said. <Sometimes our market is
real quick& I can pretty much feel
what (a client9s) style is and what
they want in that time frame.=
Efficiency and concerted effort
apply on both the buying and the
selling end of the equation. Mayea
has a particular expertise in stag-
ing homes effectively. It9s an
aspect of the work that she really
<I like to help people get their
properties dialed in and ready for
sale,= she said.
With 18 years of experience,
four of them on her own at Sisters
HomeLand Realty, Mayea under-
stands the value and importance
of a personal touch.
We treat our
clients like
because they
actually are.
Your Local Mortgage Solution
Sisters Home
Land Realty
is located in Th e Hardy Allen House,
originally built in 1908. It was one of the most
attractive houses in Sisters at that time. It was
scheduled for demolition in the 1980s but was saved
by moving it and restoring it. Now at the corner
of Larch & Main, where we call it home!
NMLS 255580
Cell 541-749-0610
473 W. Hood Ave., Ste. 103, Sisters
NMLS #1169 | AZ BK #0937529
Come by and learn more about Sisters...the coffee is
always on! We are trustworthy, honest, and hardworking,
and our client’s needs are always our top priority.
Ali Mayea, 541-480-9658
Principal Broker/Owner
Licensed in the State of Oregon | 401 E. Main Ave., Sisters