Wednesday, July 15, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 2 O P I N I O N Inspiring community members to get involved Adapting to provide musical magic… By Janel Ruehl Guest Columnist PHOTO BY JERRY BALDOCK Melanie Rose Dyer and Daniel Cooper played for neighbors in their Tollgate Village — with plenty of room to spread out and maintain physical distancing. Letters to the Editor… The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer9s name, address and phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is 10 a.m. Monday. Clarification In The Nugget9s July 8 editorial