The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, July 15, 2020, Page 19, Image 19

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    The Nugget Newspaper // July 15, 2020
// Partners in Real Estate
Sisters broker seeks 8win9 for everyone
In an interesting way, Ross
Kennedy brings to bear his back-
ground as a coach and trainer on
his work with real estate clients.
<If I9m helping somebody,
whether it be in business or in
sports, I want the best outcome
for them,= he said.
That outlook shapes every
aspect of Kennedy9s work.
<It9s about the client. It9s not
about closing a transaction. It9s
about me enabling them to get the
best scenario out of it. I do a lot
of listening to find out what their
needs are.=
Working as a Principal Broker
with Black Butte Realty Group,
Kennedy has experience and
expertise in every kind of property
in Sisters Country. With a strong
feel for the various pieces that
make up Sisters9 cultural quilt, he
helps clients find just where they
want to be in this surprisingly
diverse community, whether they
are looking for commercial prop-
erty, a vacation home, or are real-
izing the dream of living in Sisters
As a loan originator, Kennedy
offers clients <one point of contact
for the entire transaction. At the
end, the experience for the buyer
is so much better.=
Kennedy is equally versed in
the listing and the purchasing end
of real estate transactions.
A skilled track athlete, Ken-
nedy still competes in triathlons.
He9s serious about it 4 but more
serious about the experience than
about <winning.=
<I have a competitive spirit,= he
said. <However, I want to enjoy
the experience. I want everybody
to compete at their absolute best.=
Winning for the sake of win-
ning isn9t a motivator.
<I never want to take advantage
of a situation,= he said. <I want it
to be the best it can be.= And he
always comes back to the critical
aspect of lending an attentive ear.
<Everybody is human,= he said.
<Everybody has their own story,
and you have to support their
story and their journey.= Kennedy
says that he truly loves his work.
It gives him the flexibility to be a
family man and a volunteer coach.
<I don9t feel like I9m missing
out on my kids9 life and my family
life,= he said.
Raising a family here, Kennedy
is deeply invested in the vitality
of Sisters. And he likes to share
the community9s spirit, values
and vitality with clients. <We9re a
community of support,= he said.
<There is a rising-tide-raises-all-
boats mentality.=
photo by jim cornelius
And that9s more important now
than it has ever been.
More than simply seeking to
close a deal, Kennedy seeks to
help his clients find their place
<I try to educate them about
our culture, the Sisters culture,=
he said. <What part of the cul-
ture makes sense to them?= Ross
has volunteered on campaigns to
support the schools through pas-
sage of construction bonds and a
local option levy; has served as an
assistant coach in track and field
and basketball; and volunteers
each year with the Sisters Outdoor
Quilt Show. The can-do outlook is
built into Kennedy9s nature; it9s
the bedrock of his work and noth-
ing satisfies him more than seeing
it all come to fruition in a positive
<I love the end of the transac-
tion,= he mused. <You9ve created
this wonderful experience.=
Experience teaches that there
are always options.
<You never have to do it just
one way,= he said. <I9m not try-
ing to solve the problem at the
moment. I don9t have to be reac-
tive. I can problem-solve because
I9ve been there, done that.=
Personalized Service,
Real (Estate) Solutions
Great customer service should not stop when a
real estate broker has a signed purchase agreement in hand.
I am unique in that as an Oracle mortgage broker too,
I take our relationship and the process of financing your
home one step further than other brokers can by offering
you a single point of contact through financing and closing.
I walk through the entire lending process with an eye
toward expediting approval of your loan.
Ross Kennedy
Principal Broker
Loan Originator NMLS #1612019