HEALTH & WELL-BEING " CONSTRUCTION Real Estate GIVING 2020 P Partners in Real Estate The Knowledgeable Professionals Ready to Help You Fulfill Real Estate Dreams As life in America changes, more and more people are seeking a new place to put down roots 4 a place where they feel connected to the land and to a community. A place like Sisters. Sisters9 real estate community is made up of people who pursued that same vision themselves 4 some of them relatively recently; some decades ago. They know what it takes to bring a dream to fulû llment in Sisters Country. Real estate brokers have to be knowledgeable, diligent, and above all they have to know how to listen to their clients to determine what property best û ts their vision of the Sisters way of life. The men and women you will meet in these pages know Sisters intimately, in all of its surprising diversity. They have the knowledge and resources to help you û nd the property of your dreams, or to sell the one you9re in and start somewhere new. new people integrate into the vibrant, four-season life of the town, û nding just the right û t, from a townhome to a ranch, from downtown to way out in the sagebrush and trees. These are people who love their community 4 and they love helping Jim Cornelius, Editor in Chief The Nugget Newspaper Let them guide you on the path to your Sisters dream. A special section presented by The Nugget Newspaper GOLDEN EAGLE PHOTO BY JERRY BALDOCK | HORSE STATUE PHOTO BY CEILI CORNELIUS | ADDITIONAL PHOTOS BY JESS DRAPER PULL OUT AND SAVE FOR REFERENCE