Wednesday, July 8, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon C O M M U N I T 3 Y Sisters Folk Festival announces scholarships PHOTO BY JERRY BALDOCK Tollgate turned out for a local, socially-distanced neighborhood parade on the Fourth of July. Flags wave in Tollgate Village parade By Sue Stafford Correspondent On the morning of July 4, the road in Tollgate was awash with red, white, and blue everywhere 4from VFW flag-bearer Earl Schroeder leading the parade in his shorts and straw hat, to others9 hats, shirts, bicycle helmets, face masks, and dozens of flags. Dogs of every size and breed were festooned in col- orful scarves and ruffs in the spirit of the day. When Tollgate resident John Barkley9s 1957 Chevy nostalgia race car roared to life, sporting a patriotic red, white, and blue paint job, the assembled Villagers at Tollgate whooped and hollered as the inaugural Independence Day parade began. The sun shone brightly on parade participants and spectators as neighbors in Tollgate celebrated their very first Tollgate Village event, aimed at building relation- ships and community. The next community event will be a concert on the commons for Tollgate residents only. Some 75 residents partici- pated either as paraders, orga- nizers, or spectators. Every ice cream treat was given out, hav- ing been generously donated by a local resident. All pub- lic safety recommendations were carefully followed to observe safe social distancing. Tollgate Village team leaders Chris Laing and Jane Killefer were delighted with the turnout.