22 Wednesday, July 8, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper “Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show” Quilters help provide scholarships s for high h s sc school stud students tude udents By Jodi Schneider Correspondent Since 2007, quilters who participate in the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show have turned their talents to help- ing others. The W ish Upon A Card Fundraiser & Fabric Challenge started as a part- nership with the St. Charles Foundation/Wendy’s Wish (Wendy’s Wish disbanded in 2015). The Wish Upon A Card Program contin- ued, with proceeds support- ing the SOQS Scholarship Program benefiting Sisters High School students. Quilters from all over the United States and instruc- tors of Quilter’s Affair, an educational workshop pro- gram that happens during the five days that precede the SOQS, donate stun- ning fabric postcards — and some take part in the Fabric Challenge, using fabrics donated by Robert Kaufman fabrics. Fabric postcards begin with basic guidelines and can be as creative as the artist wants to be. The fabric postcards that the instructors from Quilters Affair and winners of the challenge craft are framed and/or matted and are auc- tioned during Quilter’s Affair. Additionally, non- framed cards are also avail- able for purchase. This year, SOQS will be posting these miniature pieces of artwork online for sale on their website. There will be over 250 cards avail- able for purchase. Wish Cards arrive in the mail for SOQS from all over the United States, and they have over 70 quilters taking part this year. Since the beginning, High Desert Frameworks! in Bend has sponsored the program and Myrna Dow has matted and framed cards for auction. Dawn Boyd, SOQS executive director, said, “This year, we are excited to not only have High Desert Frameworks! helping once again, but we are also wel- coming Clearwater Gallery and Wildflower Studios to our Wish Team of framers/ sponsors.” Since 2015 Kathy Jasper, a Beaverton resident, has vol- unteered for SOQS; no job too small. In 2017 she added The Wish Upon a Card Fundraiser to her many vol- unteer positions at the show. Jasper noted, “ When I signed up as a volun- teer for the quilt show and met Ginny Hall and Kathy Miller and all the other vol- unteers, they made me feel like we had been friends for- ever and I’ve been involved ever since. I take a vacation from my job during the week of the Quilter’s Affair and have volunteered for Wish Upon a Card sales during the Quilter’s Affair and the day of the quilt show. I am fortunate that the company that I work for will pay qual- ified charitable organizations for the hours that we volun- teer. All my time spent mak- ing cards is also part of the time I can claim. So, I try to stay busy to maximize what I can earn for SOQS.” Jasper has also been quilt- ing for 15 years. She added, “I was curi- ous about quilting, but I had determined that I didn’t have the space in my house. But after my partner got me a fancy sewing machine for my birthday, I experi- mented with a baby quilt for PHOTO COURTESY SISTERS OUTDOOR QUILT SHOW Happy Town 2020 by Kristin Shields. PHOTO COURTESY SOQS a neighbor. After the first quilt, I was hooked.” Jasper’s friend, Marion Shimoda, who was the featured fiber artist in Clearwater Gallery in 2018, See WISH on page 23 All 2020 participants who donated fabric postcards to this year’s Wish Upon a Card program had their name entered to win a one-of-a-kind fabric postcard created and signed by Jean Wells (and graciously matted and framed by High Desert Frameworks! of Bend). Looking forward to a SOQS Sponso r bright and colorful quilt show next year. 541-904-3048 • 178 Elm St., Ste. 102, Sisters SOQS Sponso r