Wednesday, June 17, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Commentary... Farmer’s Market — cooking hard By Audrey Tehan Columnist Thank you to all who joined us during the Sisters Farmers Market! It was an incredible experience. Many local partnerships have blos- somed to make the event possible and safe. Next week we will have even more vendors so make sure to check out the weekly Farmers Market email that will pop in your inbox when you subscribe. Picking up your fresh goods is just the beginning. The kitchen holds the key to transforming those kohlrabies and napa cabbages into a centerpiece for sharing your day, hold- ing space for tough times, or simply providing some energy to help you achieve your goals each day. At times I feel like I am wrestling with the kitchen. The lack of time, the pots, the pans, the mess, the veg- etable scraps 4really my cooking style is an expres- sion so much of myself. A friend walked into dinner one night to see three pans sizzling and filled to the brim, veggies scraps on the floor, and the music blar- ing. They proclaimed my personal cooking signature style was