Wednesday, June 17, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 23 Commentary... Longing for our eternal home By Lisa May Columnist This is the second of two columns on the disruption of church services during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a previous column, we looked at the definition and goals of the church in the New Testament. In New Testament lan- guage, the church is not a building, but an assembly of people. Many of the goals of this assembly can be met in small groups, sometimes even more successfully than in a larger church gathering. So why do we need church buildings at all? Can9t we accomplish all the goals of gathering together through Zoom meetings and small groups? Although Jesus modeled small group ministry as He instructed the 12 disciples, He taught large assemblies as well. There is a very clear model for com- munity in the Bible, with goals that cannot always be met unless a larger group is gathered in person. One such goal is to bear one another9s burdens. As Mikee Stutzman, Ministry Coordinator at Vast Church in Sisters, pointed out,