Wednesday, June 17, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon LETTERS 17 The Nugget Newspaper Crossword Continued from page 7 By Jacqueline E. Mathews, Tribune News Service publicly displaying the Confederate battle flag, the flag flown by those who waged treasonous warfare against the United States to preserve the depraved and evil institution of slavery. The lasting effects of slavery and Jim Crow are cruelly shown by the murder of George Floyd during the course of 8 minutes and 46 seconds of public torture at the hands of the police. Black people still face unimaginable burdens of racism in America. While Americans have the right under the First Amendment to utter hateful speech or display hateful symbols, it is generally considered to be socially unacceptable to, say, display the Nazi swastika. Please join me in vowing never again to tolerate the Confederate flag, which symbolizes racism. Instead, let9s unify around the goal of healing the wounds of our past and present. Mary Chaffin s s s To the Editor: Try and stop me with tear gas, It won9t work, I9m already crying. Try and stop me with rubber bullets, It won9t work, I9m already hurting. Try and stop me with armor, Locking arms, I9ve got mine too. Call me a rioter, a criminal, an anarchist 4I9ll still call for peace and justice. Try and stop with force, and I9ll force you To see people, not police, keep Humanity. Casey Glick s s s To the Editor: Dearest Grad Dream Team and staff 4 A HUGE shout out from the Aylor clan! Graduation on a normal year is a huge undertaking. I can9t begin to imagine the number of hours and sleepless nights thinking through all the nitty-gritty details from securing the big screen to picking the type of ribbon on the flowers 4 keep- ing in mind that rules could change at any moment. Josie and the rest of the individual 2020 graduates were hon- ored, recognized, and celebrated more so than they or anyone else could have imagined. Some of you may have raised an 18-year-old daughter or were one once yourself and for sure all of you have them in your classrooms and halls 4 it9s often monumental to get a lick of motivation or gratitude out of many of them. She was chompin9 at the bit to get there (on time), and has chattered many a conversation about how