At Your Service Wednesday, June 10, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 16 D EC OR • M E D ICA L • INS U RA NC E • H EATING OM EST IC SE R V IC ES • C ON STRU CTION EST 1995 EST. Shed Antler Lamps & Chandeliers, Custom Furniture & Decor We work k with W ith b builders ild and d decorators, deco d t rs, too! THURS.-SUN., 11 A.M TO 4 P. P.M. OR BY APPT. T. 311 E. CASCADE AVE., SISTERS 541-549-4251 10 OFF $ DOT T & FAA PHYSICALS PH PHYSIC H YSICALS WA LK IN OR WALK SCHEDULE YOUR APPT. . TODAY! A AY! Valid through 6-24-20 541-548-2899 3818 SW 21st Pl., Ste. 100 Redmond • Open every day Antler Arts Each year, deer, , elk and antelope shed their antlers, litter- ing the floor of field and forest with one of nature’s most striking renewable resources. “Shed-hunters,” like mushroom-pickers, ers, love to be out in the woods, driven to find that perfect specimen from a buck or a bull that can then be turned into exquisite quisite art. And you’ll find an out- standing array of such crafts at Antler Arts in Sisters. The people who collect those beautiful shed antlers know that they can trust Jaimi and James Warren arren to give them a fair price for their treasures, based on a true scale weight. That’s s why people from across the Pacific acific Northwest send their product to Antler Arts in Sisters. And crafters in Sisters Country and across the region turn them into everything from knife-handles to magnificent elk-antler -antler chan- deliers. Antler Arts products grace homes from rustic cabins to grand lodge-style homes, all across Sisters Country. Your Care Y These times have shown us that nothing is more important than maintaining our health. Y Your our Care stands ready to help the Sisters community do just that, with urgent care available every day. Your Y our Care also has the vision to be proactive. They are cur- rently looking toward fall, when they will provide community flu shot clinics and on-site business stops for flu shots — all with an eye to protecting Sisters folks from the possibility of contracting flu and COVID-19 at the same time. “We’re e’re going to go out and protect as many people as possible from the flu,” ” said Y Your our Care ’s Operations Director Deb Wattenburg. Your Care is committed to helping local businesses k eep their Y employees healthy. . Y Your our Care is welcoming occupational health specialist Sallye Stauber, DNP, , to the team as Y Your our Care continues to offer exceptional ceptional occupational medicine services for employers and workers across Central Oregon. TELEMEDICINE • URGENT CARE ARE • OCCUPA OCCUPAT IONAL MED • X-RAY We’re Here To Serve Y You! 11 LOCATIONS OCATIONS IN OREGON, OCA IDAHO & ARIZONA! AUTO O • HOME • HEAL HEALTH • LIFE BUSINESS • FARM ARM • RENT RENTAL 541-549-3172 1-800-752-8540 Bisnett Insurance Tammy T ammy T Taylor aylor wants folks in Sisters to know that whether they’re in the office or working from home due to the COVID-19 VID-19 pandemic, Bisnett Insurance continues to stand ready to serve t the local community. “We’re e’re still here, we’re still serving our clients,” clients, she said. “We’ve e’ve made steps to still provide the same service you had before, whether we’re working from home or working at the office.” Bisnett Insurance has 11 locations in Arizona, Idaho and Oregon, giving them outstanding resources in the market et while still main- taining the small town sense of connection that is so important both to clients and to the agents at Bisnett. Taylor T aylor urges clients to call with any questions, particularly in th the climate of uncertainty created by current events. Bisnett Insurance agents thoroughly review your needs and objectively analyze options from dozens of top insurance provid- ers, ensuring you get the right insurance at a competitive price. price 704 W. . Hood Av Ave., Sisters & S O N S E K A L B CLEANING CLE ANING SER RVICES V ICES BANR ENTERPRISES, LLC Residential & Commercial Contractor Windows • Screens eens • Gu e rs Residential, Rentals & Commercial Cleaning Free Estima Es timates! tima tes! Call or tex t e x t Jeff Blak Blake e at 541- 54 1- 1-420 420-3 420 -302 020 0 •I﹐ L&B BANR can help you from clearing to concrete…demolition to design. When the going gets tough, even the tough t o call us! 541-549-6977 WWW.BANR.NET SCOTT@BANR.NET CCB: 165122