The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, June 03, 2020, Page 23, Image 23

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    Wednesday, June 3, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Continued from page 2
who also happened to have only one arm.
Change of plans. I excused myself to the other
ushers and led these two to another gate close to
where Mr. Payne9s trailer was parked. She was
explaining to me that her son was just finishing his
first year of school. It had been so rough because of
the way the kids were treating him that he said he
never wanted to go back to school.
John was in his tack room still catching his
breath, but without hesitation, he came out, intro-
duced himself with a big, warm smile that I will
never forget, and sat down on the step of the trailer
so he could talk to the boy face to face. As John
was explaining what he had been through, there
was such empathy and compassion that the boy9s
mother and I were in tears. She was squeezing
my arm (and for days there was a slight bruise 4
which I didn9t mind at all).
This little guy went from sad and defeated, shar-
ing his stories of all the bullying, to smiling and
When they were done John pulled out an eight-
by-10-inch color photo, autographed it with a
lovely personal note of encouragement, and as he
wrote a phone number on it he said, <this is my cell
number which very few people in the world have,
and it is for you to call anytime day or night if you
want to talk.=
I was so impressed. There were no cameras, no
audience, just a world-class man making a young
boy9s day, and quite possibly changing his future.
Still gives me goose bumps.
Diane Prescott
To the Editor:
I9ve been reading the letters every week for
months now and watching the news every day
where I feel I will get most of the truth.
I9m a 76-year-old male with over 50 years built-
in immunity to flu viruses, colds, pneumonia. I take
no shots for this.
My wife and I have retirement money to live on
so we have been OK! There are many people for
and against opening business. I think remarks to
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To the Editor:
I want to express praise and gratitude to two
people who expressed thoughts that ring true for
me and that I hope more people will take to heart.
In this week9s Nugget, May 27, T. Lee Brown, in
her <In the Pines= column, shared some real insight
in her response to the action of the construction
worker who threw the long plank too close to
her little child and her. Although I don9t always
respond as she did 4 too often I react rather than
respond, due to fear or anger 4 I truly hope that I
would have the grace to carry in me those <Aggro
Passes= she speaks of.
Also, I so appreciate Wendie Vermillion9s very
thoughtful and well-said Letter to the Editor that
expresses, among other things, concerns I, too,
have about those times I need to shop for necessi-
ties and be among <the public.= I think we need to
take this COVID-19 pandemic seriously and, much
as it9s a bother and can feel like an infringement
on our personal rights in this free country, adhere
to the precautions and mandates we9ve been given.
I9m a senior and, so, am in the high-risk category
and I greatly appreciate it when I see other people
wearing masks. I don9t necessarily know where
they have been and to which virus they might have
recently been exposed that they could be exhaling,
sneezing, or coughing onto me and others.
I was shocked to see how many people from dis-
tant locales drove into central Oregon for Memorial
Day Weekend! What happened to <Stay Home-
Stay Safe?= How many of those people shared their
coronavirus germs with this region over that week-
end? I guess we9ll see what happens to the tally
of cases over the next week or two and get some
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Jim Cornelius and Councilor (Richard Esterman)
were a bit strong for their stance.
I think the rise of suicides, bankruptcies, depres-
sion medicines, stress deaths have to all be weighed
out with common sense. I will wear a mask when
required and I feel needed.
I also will have compassion for those that are
going through great loss, physical, mental, business
I will try to help any way I can.
Chet Davis
Have a story
idea for
indication that way.
People, please do wear a mask when you go into
a public place!
Kathryn Johnson
To the Editor:
Governor Andrew Cuomo9s almost-daily admo-
nition to his New York citizens is: <Wear a mask.
It9s the smart and right thing to do.= With the tragic
worldwide pandemic virus ever present among us,
this admonition clearly applies to the citizens of the
Sisters community.
This responsibility is all the more needed while
patronizing our local stores which have the good
fortune of remaining open for business during this
crisis. However, during numerous visits to some of
our local merchants these past days, it has been dis-
tressful and agonizing to observe the cavalier atti-
tude of some of these merchants and their helpers
failing to wear any kind of face covering.
I am disdainful of confrontation and have
restrained from a polite comment asking them to
be responsible and wear a mask. These merchants
should realize the mask is for their protection and
for the protection their customers. Further, we have
a sizable senior citizen population whose vulner-
ability is exacerbated by this thoughtless type of
conduct. To our much needed and hard working
merchants of Sisters: Don those masks!
Wayne Carter
To the Editor:
I am putting in a plea to the Chamber of
Commerce to quickly organize some kind of July
4th parade through downtown Sisters with all the
trappings of a Rodeo parade and more.
We need some kind of celebration during this
period of time. Everything of any fun has been
Let9s not give up on fun for young and old alike.
We need the stimulation and the merchants need
This will just be for us Sisters folks not for the
Diana Raske Lovgren
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