Wednesday, June 3, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon COLORING CONTEST Prizes courtesy SweetEasy Co. formerly BJ’s Old Fashioned Ice Cream ($25 gift card) and Paulina Springs Books ($15 gift card). Entries need to be returned to The Nugget by Sunday June 14 in the dropbox to right of the front door at 442 E. Main Ave.; or by mail to The Nugget Newspaper, PO Box 698, Sisters, OR 977759. Prizes awarded to two winners age 10 and under. Entries from students 11 and older accepted for exhibition only. All entries will be hung in the windows of The Nugget, visible from the street for passersby to enjoy during the month of June. Some may be selected for printing in The Nugget or inclusion on social media. Only first name and age will be included on display or in publication. Entries must also include contact phone or email to be considered for judging. First Name _______________________ Age _____ Long-time rodeo clown J.J. Harrison loves being a part of the Sisters Rodeo! ARTWORK BASED UPON PHOTO BY JERRY BALDOCK. Last Name _________________________________ Phone or email _____________________________ 21