10 Wednesday, June 3, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon A N N O U N C E M E N T S Circle of Friends Sisters Community Church Circle of Friends, a mentoring program in Sisters, is continuing to fi nd innovative ways to reach out and assist their mentors, children and families. Current needs include childcare to allow parents to continue to work, internet/computer access for online learning, supplies for at- home learning and activity kits, and even basic needs, such as food and medical access. Circle of Friends has also established an emergency fund to provide immediate response for the most pressing needs. Contact Kellie at 503-396-2572 to help. Do you need help with running errands or deliveries or more? Sisters Community Church has volunteers available and is cultivating a caring community. Call Wendy at 541-389-6859. Visit the church website at www.sisterschurch.com. Kiwanis Food Bank Change PHOTO BY JIM CORNELIUS Black Butte Ranch General Manager Jay Head cut the ribbon on the new BBR General Store on the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend. New General Store open for business at BBR Sisters Kiwanis Food Bank has made an operational change based on the evolving response to COVID-19. Visitors are now encouraged to shop for two weeks instead of one week. Th e Food Bank will then be closed every other week temporarily. Th e next open date is June 11. Th e Food Bank is open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Th ursdays. Questions? Email info@sisterskiwanis.org. Habitat Stores Are Open! By Katy Yoder Correspondent Happy childhood memo- ries at Black Butte Ranch (BBR) often include young- sters riding their bikes to the BBR store for an ice cream cone, tasty snack, or a refreshing drink. Pedaling with friends along meander- ing bike trails with curious grass-munching horses and cattle watching them pass, made the adventure even more exciting. But the general store was showing its age, with 50 years of being loved and visited taking its toll. Plans to reconfigure the build- ing and location have been in the works for years as staff and homeowners took into consideration the needs and wants of everyone who enjoys visiting the store. General Manager Jay Head couldn9t be more pleased with how it turned out. The new store is part of a bigger plan to offer a Ranch experience with modern amenities in an unmatched, rural setting.