8 Wednesday, May 27, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Sisters salutes... The Sisters High School chemistry classes would like to thank all those who made their bal- loon project possible. Sisters Eagle Airport gave the SHS chemistry classes so much support through the entire process of their balloon project this month! Thank you to the Bensons and David Campbell for graciously providing the students and mentors space to construct the payload for their experiments and tar- mack space to launch the balloon on May 7. Even in these times of dis- tance learning and social distancing, your support has provided a means for our students to continue inquiry-based hands-on investigations and inter- actions with professionals in this field. Thank you! Steven Peterzen of ISTAR provided leader- ship, mentorship, and lots of time and energy work- ing to make the prepara- tion, launch and recovery a fantastic success. Thank you! Ron Thorkildson taught and mentored the weather and trajectory team. Rod Moorehead men- tored the experiment teams, helped build the payloads, and supported during the launch and recovery. Thank you! LETTERS Continued from page 2 s s s To the Editor: Any one who9s paid any attention to what is going on politically is very worried about November 3 election and the god-awful campaign that we are all beginning to watch. Did you see Biden on the news the other night? Of course not, because the TV vacuum that is President Trump sucks it all up. I thought the media learned a lesson in 2016 but here we go 4 no coverage for his opponent. I doubt there will even be a debate. Hopefully, Biden will debate an empty chair to push the point. Sadly, the Republican Party is truly bleeding membership. The Huffington Post report in February 2020 noted that national counts of Independent regis- tered voters outnumber Republican reg- istered voters for the first time! It is so: Democrats, 39.66 percent of total regis- tered voters, Independents 29.9 percent and Republicans are 27.87 percent. Yup, Democrats are fewer than they were in 2016 at 46 percent or 2018 at 44 percent, but the GOP remained a few fewer than Democrats in the same time- frames. However, now, the GOP needs a tourniquet. This means the GOP is no longer one part of a major-two-party sys- tem but a bystander. This is huge news that the media is not really that excited about 4 who knows why not. These numbers scream that this nation needs to adjust its cam- paign and elections systems to accom- modate at least three political parties rather than two having all the power/ attention. Time for huge campaign reforms and I am for removing advertising out of the campaign business forever 4 but the lat- ter is a whole other can of worms. I share this because we are in for a very, very bumpy campaign. We need to bond rather than fight with each other. I want to encourage you to not be afraid to talk it out with family and friends, to lis- ten to each others9 concerns and hear one another out, even if you do not agree. There will be all kinds of political fights on the news and social media and it will be crazy, but do not give up your right to vote out of frustration or anxiety or both. This election is critical to the survival of this Republic 4 no exaggeration. Please, remain informed and vote. Susan Cobb s s s To the Editor: One reads with consternation a let- ter in The Nugget (May 20, 2020), by the Sisters City Councilor no less, demanding an end to Governor Brown9s quarantine because, he claims, it is unconstitutional. Said councilor has a right to attempt suicide by exposing himself to a lethal disease, but he has no right to threaten the rest of us with death by demanding an end to the quarantine before it is safe to do so. He is morally wrong, dead wrong. Gary Leiser s s s To the Editor: I loved the column in The Nugget